
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 08:47:53
写写你是怎么过春节的? 你是怎么过春节的?选择你最有趣或者印象最深的风俗习惯写一段话 一般现在时的一般疑问句怎么改成一般现在时被动语态的一般疑问句Does he often help me with my English?比如这个 改好后是Am i often helped by him with my English 怎么会成了这样 疑惑呀 以春节为话题用 不必说.也不必说.单是.也一段话 请问几个短语的汉语意思:1、I have my limit.2、You are all wet.3、a piece of cake.4、clean up 5、one's act6、all thumbs "It is time______ _______PE lesson." 英语语法 more taller than=much taller than Trains moved slowly in the 1920s ,but they ___ move more quickly than in 1910A were to B did C will D can 英语语法解释.谢谢帮忙啊if you______please sit down ,we could begin.b)shouldc)would解释一下.Conference attendees ______more than what was delivered.a)were expectingb)were expectedc)expecting说明一下语法.谢谢~~~ 需要解释英语语法知识急She ( )( )to the shopping mall last Sunday ( not go)What does she like She likes ( ) A.sing B.Sang C.singingIt"s 12.00.It"s time ( )lunch.A.for B.to C.for haveI "m thirsty.Iwant ( )A.a Water B.some waters C.some water 不知怎的又想起你了 用英语怎么翻译 怎么翻译:“你看到的未必是真的,而真的你又未必有那么幸运看得见”.《十分爱》的台词来的 What is sb.like 与What does sb.look like的区别是什么? What is sb.like和What does sb.look like为什么用不一样的助动词 射雕英雄传人物性格分析我需要第十八回(三道试题)的主要人物性格分析(四个).人物、性格、举例.正午前满意的回答加10-50财富. 射雕英雄传成吉思汗在那一集射雕, 该Millie上体育课了 It's ____ _____ Millie _____ have a PE lesson怎么添,急,谢 英语语法,anything interesting是倒装吗,为什么anything什么时候用倒装语序?怎么倒。 is the boy in the room sick?作选择疑问 和book相同音的词有哪些? notebook同类词 book变动词只变一个字母 102路车用英语怎么读?读作bus one o two的话,那么那个o是发什么音呢?是发字母O的音,还是读零,还是发英文的零的读音? 被the latest修饰的先行词用THAT作关系代词还是WHICH (定语从句) 完成英语句子填空1:你可以在十米远的地方清晰地看到这幅画.You can see the picture clearly _____ _____ _____ ______ten meters.2:在太阳系中有八颗行星绕太阳运行.There are eight pianets______ ______the sun in the s 请帮我完成英语句子填空:虽然这部小说不是反映现实生活的,但是有些地方却激动人心:This novel isn't ____________,but some of it is exciting. 英文填空完成句子展出的汽车引起了许多人年轻人的兴趣the cars many young people.中间填三个单词 it is time to have lesson是什么意思 同义句转换 Here are over six chairs in the sitting room.The sitting room ___ ___ ___ six chairs.同义句You'd better grow flowers in spring.Spring is ___ ___ ___ ___grow flowers.同义句I'd like to own house.It has two floors.I ___ to ___ a ho I'm sitting here in the boring room It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon I'm wasting my time I'v谁能把他一字不漏的翻译出来 有没有雷电击中过飞行中的飞机的案例吗?拜托各位大神 该怎么防止雷电击中