Many people hurt their backs when they try to lift heavy things from the floor翻译成中文

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 01:52:13
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The earthquake happened and many people were _____(terrible) hurt. many people were hurt.hurt可以作形容词吗 英语: Many people were hurt when the two buses _____ on the corner.Many people were hurt when the two buses _____ on the corner. A) clashed B) crashed C) collided D) smashed many people were _____in the battle 选hurt还是wounded.按说wounded 指战争中受了伤,但是答案选的hurt so many people who are trying to use the Internet to hurt other users.上句为什么不直接写成下面句子:So many people use the Internet to hurt other users. Many people hurt their backs when they try to lift heavy things from the floor翻译成中文 46.In the ___ war between America and Iraq many people were _____ hurt.A.terrible ,terribly B.terrible,terrible C.terribly,terribly D.terribly,terrib 中译英(1)On and on it moved,right through a part of the city where many people lived.(2)Many people lay hurt inside destroyed buildings.(3)fires burned,telephone wires fell and roads where blocked. Many people get the fiu 英语翻译Don't be,Not for the people,Hurt,Don't hurt the heart. Don't be,Not for the people.Hurt,Don't hurt the heart Don't be Not for the people Hurt Don't hurt the heart.是什么意思? Every year many people get hurt or lost their lives in traffic accidents.many people are为什么要变复数? I really love the people that I really hurt. Don't hurt the people who love you. I hate the people who always hurt my feelings. Perfect love is weak,the imperfect love of people hurt. do other people who should not etc,do not hurt the heart should not hurt.