保密协议 英翻中3SVW:SUPPLIER:(Contractual seal) (Contractual seal)Shanghai Volkswagen Automotive Company,Ltd.Authorized representative:Authorized representative:(Date) (Date)When you sign a contract with a chinese company in china,you must ass

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 10:50:34
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保密协议 英翻中3SVW:SUPPLIER:(Contractual seal) (Contractual seal)Shanghai Volkswagen Automotive Company,Ltd.Authorized representative:Authorized representative:(Date) (Date)When you sign a contract with a chinese company in china,you must ass 保密协议如何翻译? 什么是保密协议? 什么是 NDA保密协议 什么是保密协议_保密协议的主要内容 员工保密协议英语怎么说? 签订保密协议有什么意义 保密协议签订的依据是什么? 关于保密协议我今天和公司签了合同和保密协议.保密协议最后一条写着:辞职3年后,不得从事同样的工作.这一条我怎么看着这么恶心?是否应该遵守?(如果以后不在这干的话) 英翻中3(保密协议)Information which,after being disclosed by the disclosing party to the receiving party,becomes party of the public domain through no fault of the receiving party. 相互保密协议(Mutual NDA)是不是对双方都有约束力 关于保密协议的问题,我新入职的公司要我与原来公司保密协议的复印件,我自己的保密协议找不到了,原公司说保密协议是公司文件,不给复印.我的离职证明原来的公司已经给办了.请问原来的 一段保密协议英翻中1“Confidential Information” as used in this Agreement shall mean any and all trade secrets and proprietary information,technical and non-technical information including patents,copyrights,techniques,sketches,drawings,mo 一段保密协议英翻中2“Confidential information” also includes proprietary or confidential information of any third party who may disclose such information to either party in the course of either party’s business.Information embodied in a 英翻中5(保密协议)Information the disclosure of which is required by any law or regulation,governmental agency,or any regulation of a stock exchange(or a securities dealers association),provided that the receiving party has given prior writ 英翻中8(保密协议)Either party shall not disclose the existence of the fact that both parties enter into the relationship under this Agreement and the contents thereof. 英翻中7(保密协议)In the event that the receiving party discloses to a third party,including such receiving party’s directors,office,statutory auditors and employees,legal counsel,certified public accountants and other professional adviso 英翻中2(保密协议)Information initially disclosed in non-written or non-tangible form and considered to be confidential information must be reduced to written form,marked as indicated above and delivered to the receiving party within thirty