It is like _ the mosr beautiful picture in the worid.横线上填to see还是seeing

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 11:00:30
The article is so good that everyone likes reading it 该同义句The article is _ _ _ _to like reading I like the book because it is _(help)to me. It is like _ the mosr beautiful picture in the worid.横线上填to see还是seeing That's the________.Go and see who it is.That's the _ _ _ _ _ e _ _. Read the passage fast to _ _ _ _(获得大概意思)I like meat _ _./=__.(大体上)_ _(总的说),he is very good. We shoudld be _(help) to those _(help) people.He is _(thank) to you for your help.The film is one of the best films for children.Kate,you'll _(sure) like it.He said he _(return) the book as soon as he _(finsh) reading it. how unusual the book is 同义句 _ _ unusual _ it is! 填词.Please don't leave the cups there.Put them back on the _ _ _ _ _.提示:_ h _ _ _Do you like to sit at the _ _ _ _ _ of a bus or at the back?Let's get a _ _ _ _ into town.It's expensive but it'll be quick. 初中英语报纸翻译I would like to have the phoenix as the national bird. There are many stories about the bird. In one story ,all the birds go to visit the phenis. Each gives its most beautiful feature to the bird. This is why it became the mos It is _ the wall.It is near _ window._new the hat is expensive because it is made _ hand The drawer is _ _ _ _ _ .there arent any knives,forks or spoons in it 急 It is foggy today---------------the--------------------like today it is like offending the food翻译 改错 It is the same like swimming. She got very angry,she e__ told me to get out of the house.The dog is clever.It can do thinks like _(answer) the phong,_(open) the door. i think it is on the sofa (改为否定句) i _ _ it _ on the desk. 1.Autumn is _season in Nex York.A the best B good C better2.The days get _ and the nights get _ inautumn.A longer,shorter B shorter,longer C short,long 3.What's the weather like in _ Kunming?-- It's _.People like to go there in summer.A summer,cool B