翻译下这两个短语 Losses to attack Defect origin place

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 15:12:55
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翻译下这两个短语 Losses to attack Defect origin place paper losses 怎么翻译 The news of the losses suffered by our enemy much worse than expected.The news of the losses suffered by our enemy ------much worse than expected.A,was,B,were C,are D,has选哪一个?这句话怎么翻译? 请翻译下 这两个短语1.The Ameraian population is highly migrant, and is likely to have a number of different jobs over a lifetime career, changing lacation accordingly, out of oure necessity.out of oure necessity how to translate it?2.No mo 求翻译There has been big financial losses due to theft or fraud. 英语短语翻译下 ..受伤的心..A 分析下这两个短语Sarkozy may be talking the talk more like Tony Blair,but when it comes to walking the walk,he'll look a lot more like Chirac.这句话怎么翻译啊?talking the talk,walking the walk,我需要准确点、有理有据的,机 麻烦大家帮忙翻译一下,最好是意译,谢啦1. The best way to guard against large financial losses is through insurance.2. The purpose of insurance is to provide protection against financial losses at a reasonable cost.3. This is possible o 英语翻译This reduces the collector efficiency to as low as 40 %,and the losses in the piping and the connection fittings between collector and storage tank dissipate the rest of the heat.翻译下这句话参考上下文:The system (指太阳 英语翻译怎么翻译cushion its losses security gains and losses怎么翻译哈~ 英语翻译不离不弃生活,波澜不惊帮偶翻译下上面的两个句子0R短语啦, 简单英语短语1.需要某人帮助2.整个帮我翻译这两个短语! 英语翻译是短语 多余这两个字的英语短语翻译 英语翻译请问如何翻译这句话?The economic cost of the country’s first government shutdown in 17 years is staggering.One estimate pegs the daily losses to businesses,tourism and lost wages at $300 million a day - or $1.6 billion each week 求牛人帮忙解析下如下句子的含义Which of the following,if true.best explains how improvements in pesticide use have been accompanied by greater losses to certain pests?请详细解析下how在这的用法, 英语翻译特别是这句话中的短语RELATE TO 怎么翻译? 帮我翻译一下英语句子,再帮我看看句子中有什么短语,帮我扩充一下,谢谢,拜托您们1. Ineffective control systems result in problems ranging from employee theft to financial losses from unauthorized foreign exchange spec