这句话里为什么用WITH?do u have any trouble with pronounciation?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 15:21:51
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这句话里为什么用WITH?do u have any trouble with pronounciation? ‘do u sex with 英语翻译请问这句话中do with what do we have这句话为什么用do? Do you like maths,Tony?这句话为什么用do? 有关in 与with 的用法We do our work ( ) hands and write ( ) ink.这句话中哪个空用in,哪个空填with,为什么? Ha ha ha I laughed three times!这句话中文说的是什么? Ha ha ha I laughed three times!这句话中文说的是什么?Drink beer,do not look for me!I can only drink water recently还有这句?还有这句Wine to the sky谢谢了 What do you do with your homework这句话是什么意思? 划线的这句话中c(HA) 西班牙语语法,这句话开头为什么要用sese ha negado en redondo a aceptar.他断然地拒绝接受.se这里是自复还是无人称句?直接说ello.ha negado en redondo a aceptar可以吗 西班牙语提问,请问下面这句话的过去完成时用法Ha sido una gran alegría recibir tu carta.这里为什么用ha 不用he ,yo的过去完成时变位不是he With homework to do on Saturday and sunday,students can not find any time to play games这句话为什么要用with,with引导的句子 在此做什么成分?此处能用bacause of 为什么 Do you know the key to the question?这句话里key后面为什么用to而不用of? U know u have something going thought with me这句话神马意思 make mistake with English.这句话里的make为什么不用in.Anna make mistakes with English. i don't agree with what you said ,这句话里的don't agree with 可以换成against 为什么, bravo东东里的这句话是什么意思呀hai si tong miu ha 是哪国文呀