一道英语单选!During the week____he tried to collect materials for his article.选项 A following B followed C to follow D that followed这题的答案是D但是that followed不是可以用following替换吗?是现在分词的用法如This is th

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 09:57:37
xRN@qO'7GPhw@ Ag:/C Btete3{sO)IoZ ˗chFP H0*bۅ*=(+K(XyICQCY ǁ$콠MhH\dd[gf$ Aח`~~ԷWm'*%RwlĶh=/hsJ?)Tm7W878,=6+0[_p2#L6&d,w2
英语单选:We ---- the classroom when we heard the bell.A.hurried B.hurried to go C.hurried to说明理由。The foreigers --- lost in the city during the last sightseeing holiday.A.get B.got C.are we can c( )the m( ) during the holidays.(英语) 2009上海英语卷的一道单选Bill suggested _______ a meeting on what to do for the shanghai Expo during the vicationA having held B to hold C holding D hold 为啥是C不是B 一道英语单选,Some studies show that the earth's climate __ by about 0.6C during the past one hundred years .A.warmedB.is warming C.has warmed D.is to warm 高一英语单选题,在线等The hotel___ during our holidays stands by the seaside.A.we stayed B.we stayed at C.in that we stayed D.wtere we stayed at 一道高一英语单选In some poor areas ,we can see people without houses( ) on the streets.Asleeping Bsleep 初三英语一道单选-We are satisfied with the food ____ in your hotel.-Thank you very much.A、provided B、servedC、supplied D、given 一道单选:Was it during the Second Word WarWas it during the Second Word War____he died?A.thatB.whileC.in whichD.then为什么不选C带进去的时候he died in the Second World War 那个during 也要带进去?A选项的that是把during也带 一道英语单选问题Everything we eat and drink contains some salt; we can meet the body's need for it from natural sources without turning _______ the salt bottle.A.up B.to C.on D.over 初三英语单选一道Though the first letter is ___ in the word honest,we must say an honest boy.A.a B./不好意思,应为Though the first letter is ___ h in the word honest 英语单选一道 说明原因Upon hearing the bell ring,_________.A the students' departure was hastyB our departure was hastyC we departed hastily D the classroom was filled immediatelyA为什么不可以? 一道英语辨析选择题We had a chat ( ) a cup of tea .A during B over应该选B 帮忙细细区分一下,谢了! 一道英语单选题,请问选什么问题是这样的:if you really heva to leave during the meeting,you'd better leave( )the back door.选项是 A.for B.by C.across D.out 请问选哪一个?这个问题是2012年安徽知名省级示范高中第 一道英语单选.非谓语动词The time and effort he has devoted during the past few years __ trees in that romote area is now cosidered to be of great value.A.to planting B.to plant C.plant D.planting老师说选C.我很怀疑啊 进来看一道英语单选,we are not clear about the degree ___ the accident will affect us.A.by whichB.to whichC.for whichD.of which该接哪个介词, 一道英语单选,为什么B不行 一道英语单选 第四题 一道英语单选 第四题