
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/15 07:40:25
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英国referendum和general election的区别是什么 referendum和plebiscite有什么区别呢请举例说明 independence referendum是什么意思 Egypt's military eyes constitutional referendum,求标题翻译, 这句英语啥意思啊U.N.human rights chief Navi Pillay said Sunday’s referendum to outlawU.N.human rights chief Navi Pillay said Sunday’s referendum to outlaw the construction of minarets in Switzerland was the product of “anti-foreigner sc 简单英语翻译(机器绕道)刚才看报纸, 没懂这句话, 请高人赐教“Egypt votes in second referendumEgyptians begin to vote amid tight security in a final referendum on a new constitution, a day after clashes erupted in Alexandria 英语翻译Zwei Tote bei Schießerei in der OstukraineVor dem umstrittenen Referendum auf der Halbinsel Krim ist die Lage in der Ukraine angespannt.Bei einer Schießerei zwischen prorussischen Kraeften und radikalen Nationalisten im ostukrai 英语翻译求翻译,自己翻译不要网络上的,GARY QUINLAN ( Australia) said the referendum to be held tomorrow was dangerous,destabilizing,unauthorized and invalid.The international community would recognize neither the result nor any action 英文翻译成中文(好的有追加分)谢谢The midterm elections for the year 2010 were held on November 2, 2010.Midterm elections are sometimes regarded as a referendum on the sitting president's and/or incumbent party's performance.[1][2] T 英语翻译TAIWAN’S“parliament”passed a law last week that could let people there vote for independence .The law gives the island the right to hold an independence referendum if it comes under“external attack”.“The law tries to give stre 英语翻译The visit was announced on Tuesday after polls suggested the rival campaigns are neck and neck with just over a week to go until the referendum.In their statement,the UK leaders emphasised that keeping the UK together was now their priori 英语翻译1.Gordon Brown has said promises made by the No parties ahead of the Scottish independence referendum on change and further devolution will be delivered.2.He added:We will lock in today the promises that we have made这句话里面toda *和^, “和” >和