As a tour leader for years,i have been successful taken many groups into different countries,experienced innumerably people.However,there were three old men really impressed me,and for ever.A qualified tour leader should have very strong customer ser

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 18:05:47
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As a tour leader for years,i have been successful taken many groups into different countries,experienced innumerably people.However,there were three old men really impressed me,and for ever.A qualified tour leader should have very strong customer ser how should a local guide deal with a troublesome tour leader? ____a tour guide you should be friendly ___foreign tourists A.As to B.For for C.To with tour leader和 guide的区别 We chose ______ in our class.[ ] A.a leader as Tom B.Tom as a leader C.Tom leader D.leader ToWe chose ______ in our class.[ ]A.a leader as Tom B.Tom as a leader C.Tom leader D.leader Tom importance of China as a world leader是什么意思 sister as guide my workes tour a 连词成句 The street is ( ) the famous South African leader ,Nelson Mandela .A.named B.named for C.named as D.named after tour guide和Leader的相似之处, it is a part of the music tour for Mine. Write a tour guide for your neighborhood.怎么翻译? we desire that the tour leader ____us immediately of any change in plans.A inform B informsC informed D has informed 哪个正确,请问为什么. 英语翻译No.7 Main Building EntranceAt bottom,the long ramp serves as an exit from the building and as the beginning guide for a tour of the restored town beyond. leader of a band In what ways would you like to grow as a leader? As a great leader,he always thinks more of others than ______(he) He is ( )(承认) as a leader of the team用recognized? 连词成句 me,chose,in,my,the,as,classmates,leader,a,Young Pioneers