这句话为什麼这样用呢?He wore a pair of grey shoes,baggy white trousers and what appeared to be a red tuxedo.请问上面这句话为什麼要这样用呢?把 "what appeared to be" 删掉,变成下面的句子,意思会改变吗?为什麼要

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 12:39:57
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这句话为什麼这样用呢?He wore a pair of grey shoes,baggy white trousers and what appeared to be a red tuxedo.请问上面这句话为什麼要这样用呢?把 what appeared to be 删掉,变成下面的句子,意思会改变吗?为什麼要 改错:Mr.Brown often wore a heavy coat because he was not used to live in such a cold climate.这句话我的理解是这样的,wore是错的,因为他过去没住在寒冷地方,所以推测现在应该在不习惯,所以要穿厚衣服.或者如 为什麼这句话可以这样用呢?请问为什麼下面这句话可以表将来呢?Tony is having a party on Saturday.不是表瞬间的动作动词才能这样用吗?我不太懂. 留着长发,用wear怎么说?看到了一个例句:He wore a short beard.头发能不能也说He wore a short hair 呢这个a 另外如果是是棕色的长发是He wore a brown long hair.用不用加个and 成brown and long hair Wore out,he soon fell asleep.我想问的是,如果主语一致的话,过去分词用于句首不是表被动吗?那这句话也不是被动吧?为什么用过去分词不用现在分词呢? mr.brown often wore a heavy coat because he was notused (to live) in such a cold climate为什么改成to living,这句话怎么翻译 All he was wearing was a nylon vest.为什么要用was wearing而不用wore? 她通常乘坐公共车回家.这句话翻译为:He usually takes a bus to home.这样翻译对吗 Mary will send an email to his friend tomorrow这句话是什么意思还有 I wore a beautiful sweater last week 这句话用英语怎么说呢?我不大会他决定也当一名理发师.这样说对吗?he decide to be a barber.如果错了,错在哪了? so he built a science lab himeself 这句话可以改成这样吗so he himself a science lab对吗 He wore his_____clothes______his birthday.A.best,on B.the best,on C.the best,in D.best,at主要是分不清用on还是at He's taking a nap.这句话对么?小睡能这样说么 though it was cold,he still wore a shirt.改为省略句 He was a strong-willed man who never gave up.解释这句话.同时,解释为什么要用WHO呢? Hearing that he would have to be given another in-jection,the boy ____a smile to cover up his fear.A、wore B、managed C、strengthened D、controlled 为什么选B,不选其它呢? he is a teacher,as is clear from his manner.这句话怎么翻译呢? he often wore shoes when he was a childHe often wore shoes when he was a child . A clothes B cloth C cloth’s D the clothes’ 请问选哪个,顺便说下为什么