英语中one或ones与that或those能不能替换?篮子里有很多苹果,请把烂的拣出来 there are a lot of apples in the basket,please pick out the rotten o能不能改成 there are a lot of apples in the basket,please pick out those of the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 14:04:24
英语中one或ones与that或those能不能替换?篮子里有很多苹果,请把烂的拣出来 there are a lot of apples in the basket,please pick out the rotten o能不能改成 there are a lot of apples in the basket,please pick out those of the 用first,one,ones或once填空 one与ones区别;;; one与ones区别;;; 英语中的it one和ones Do you have a caryes,l have one这里为什么不用it 什么时候用it什么时候用one或ones求解答啊 一道很简单的英语辨析题the ones the one one that those ones 等单词的区别, 代词it,they与替代词one,ones,the one,the ones,that,those的用法区别 When we are angry,however,we are usually the ones affected中,为什么用ones而不是one或其它的?这句话中,包含了哪些语言点?需注意什么? one ,that one,ones,the ones,that,it的区别求one ,that one,ones,the ones,that,it的详细区别 英语中ones是什么意思 英语高手请进 代词one,ones 与that的区别The streets in Beijing are wider than “those” in DonguanThe streets in Beijing are wider than “ones” in Donguan 这两句话那句对那句错 关于定语从句中the one 与the ones的用法 还有that 和which最好所有定语从句的知识点都讲下 用one或ones填空.1)There is a new chair near the door and an old _____near the window.2)I like this red dress and she likes that green_____. any one和no one是不是不定代词说清楚,为什么,定语从句中any one或no one为先行词时用不用that 英语中It is+adj+that或to do中的that或to翻译成汉语什么意思? the room is bigger than that one.that 只要one或that可以吗 ones one one's ones' ones one one's ones'