英语翻译A society of natural farming economy employed slash-and-burn cultivation,burning mountains and destroying forest.Spring was a time when grass and trees start sprouting.To keep a balanced ecology and to preserve a better living environment

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英语翻译An ideal society is a society that has at its core a respect for the dignity and worth of the individual. Innovation sustains the progress of a society. devolution of society 、textbook a time unique 英语翻译to act as a responsible member of the society,each of us should bear social responsibility. 英语翻译sex roles are learned patterns of behavior that are expected of the sexes in a given society . nat is a cat.nat can play.nat can jump.pam and sam look at 英语翻译Alshawish S A,Mohamed A I,Nair G A,2004.Prolonged toxicity ofsub-lethal dosages of chemical pesticides on the body mass and cocoons ofAporrectodea caliginosa (Savigny 1826) (Oligochaeta:Lumbricidae) inhabitingBenghazi,Libya[J].Proc Nat Ac 英语翻译In America,we have become a nation that has largely rejected the traditional rules and ethics of Western society that have helped it become a society of progress and the rule of law. 英语翻译Electric power is a most convenient,clean,safe,and useful from of energy which supplies the major portion of energy needs of a modern society. 英语翻译the institutional order is assumed to have taken on a life of its own independently of human intentions and needs; society is perceived as controlling human behavior 英语翻译The concept of identity construction takes a distinguishable dimension when people come together from different cultures,as in the context of Australian society. society is a.study.of.stage求中文意思 英语翻译2.From the perspective of Chinese society and culture,Zhai Xuewei contends that the division between strong and weak ties in Granovetter’s theory presupposes two arbitrarily identified independent entities in society,whereas such a pres the salt of society scum of society是什么意思 英语翻译Only in this way,can we make a contribution in the construction of a harmonious society.构建和谐社会的名词怎么表达呢? 英语翻译And what is wrong with a society that thinks that making up agood excuse is like creating a work of art? 英语翻译To their way of thinking,geredity doomed humans to a tooth-and-claw world,a racist society in which social change was impossible.