信用证条款解释invoice certified by the chamber of commerce or competent authority indicating exchange control licence No.AIB/LEG/01-00163/12

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 17:15:13
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信用证上的条款“SIGNED COMMERCIAL INVOICE IN 6 COPIES ” 信用证条款解释invoice certified by the chamber of commerce or competent authority indicating exchange control licence No.AIB/LEG/01-00163/12 信用证中的条款the first beneficiary requires to substitute their own draft and invoice for those of second beneficiary 信用证的条款之一.请高手帮下.谢谢请问BENEFICIARY'S DRAFT IN DUPLICATE DRAWN ON L/C ISSUING BAND AT SIGHT FOR FULL INVOICE VALUE. 刚刚接触信用证,怕弄错,下面条款麻烦解释一下,+commercial invoice in 1 original and 7 copies issued ,dated,signed and stamped by beneficiaries,certified in accordance with proforma invoice number bt110601 dated may 15,2011.the invoic 什么是信用证里的软条款? 英语翻译出现在信用证上的条款. 信用证条款问题,懂信用证的进帮翻译确认以下条款,并指出有无可能会遇到的问题或注意点Documents required:1.signed beneficiary's commercial invoice in one original and two copies,certifying that the goods have undetach 请高手翻译信用证条款,非常感谢~!9)PACKING LIST AND INVOICE/CONSIGNMENT NOTE MUST BE ENCLOSEDWITH THE CONSIGNMENTS OR IN CASE THE CONSIGNMENT IS PACKED IN THESEALED CONTAINERM,THE SAME SHOULD BE PLACED INSIDE THE CONTAINER.A CERTIFICATE 信用证条款什么意思plus the tolerance indicating fob value,and certifying that the shipment and its value conform in all respects to proforma invoice no. mentioned under field 45A description of goods 英语翻译信用证条款如下:documents required 46 B:+signed commercial invoice in 4 folds+full set of clean on board oceanic b/l consigned and notified to applicant,market freight collect with destination valencia port spain,and notify travima 求如下信用证条款是什么意思signed commercial invoice in 3 copies,certifying theat the goods shipped and invoiced conform to those described in the proforma invoice po no 7003098 no QB07CI 005 DD 14 2007 indicating 1) net and gross weight 英语翻译辛苦贴上的,FFOB术语的信用证条款,第一次看信用证,没经验真的怕出错,+signed commercial invoice in 3 originals indicating applicant's ref.116/sm8a01.+packing list in 3+2/3 set of clean on board through bill of ladin 信用证里draft at sight 没有for full invoice value 英语翻译请尽可能简单的写信用证条款. 信用证的额外条款,帮我看看是什么意思请帮我看看信用证的额外条款是什么意思? 根据UCP600解释以下几点的具体装运时间.信用证上较为费解的条款下节课提问:根据UCP600解释以下几点的具体装运时间.信用证上较为费解的条款 1、On or about 31 May; 2、During the first half of May; 信用证中常见的软条款有哪些?如果信用证中出现该如何提出修改?