仿照例句,根据回答写出合适的问题.例;When are you going out?I“m going out now.No,you can"t.You had a new watch only six months ago.Yes,I had a lot of chocolate ,and now I"mfeeling sick!No,he didn"t have any of that chicken,Why?You c

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 02:31:01
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仿照例句,根据回答写出合适的问题.例;When are you going out?I“m going out now.No,you cant.You had a new watch only six months ago.Yes,I had a lot of chocolate ,and now Imfeeling sick!No,he didnt have any of that chicken,Why?You c 仿照例子写问句 英语 仿照例句,根据回答写出合适的问题 谢咯例:What's the matter with Lucy?or How's Lucy?Lucy isn't very well.1.______________________?John's report?It was excellent!2.______________________?He came top.3.____ 仿照例句,根据回答写合适的问题.________?yes,jane was there early.she arrived earlier than I did .例子 问:how old is Robert today?答:Robert?He's ten today. 仿照例句,根据回答写合适的问题.________?yes,he can play better than me.He's a good tennis player.例子 问:how old is Robert today?答:Robert?He's ten today. 仿照例句,根据回答写合适的问题.__________?Yes,I did.And I worked harder than all the others!例子 问:how old is Robert today?答:Robert?He's ten today. _______?For dinner tonight?We're got some good meat.根据回答写出合适的问题. ____________?He takes his medicine twice a day.根据回答写出合适的问题 英语 仿照例句,回答写出合适的问题.1 _____________? NO,there aren't any in this drawer.Try that one2 _____________? A photo of you two? Of course! Smile!3 _____________? Orange juice? Oh, it's Robert's.4 _____________? It's The New Londo 仿照例句在括号里填上合适的词. 仿照例句,写一句话 例句仿照例句,写出一句话 请仿照例句,根据下面的事物,各写出一个富有哲理的句子.例句:飞蛾—为追求光明,不惜赴汤蹈火1.铁钉 —2.筷子 — 仿照例句,补写出比喻句.例:成信是人生路上的一张通行证.声誉( ) 请仿照例句回答下列问题 以山,河为界的省区,如河北省和河南省(黄河) 根据我的房间 写出五个英语问题并回答 请仿照例句,根据提示,写出成语 最遥远的地方——天涯海角 最荒凉的地方——荒芜人烟 最悬殊的区别—— 你能仿照这些例句,用where who when what 设计一个问题并回答吗? 仿照例句例:一棵树,是一艘大地的船.大地的船,为春风升起绿帆.仿照这个句子写出一句话来. 仿照例句写出5个句子.