来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 12:46:23
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legitimacy与lawful区别 英语翻译The justices must address doubts about the court’s legitimacy by making themselves accountable to the code of conduct. legitimacy 和 legality 的区别 development dividend legitimacy什么意思? The court can not maintain the legitimacy as guardian of the rule of law .为什么是the rule of law 只用the rule 或者the 大意改变了没? 英语翻译7.Have you secured any anchor users yet?In the states,projects likethis are generally developed around more or more core or anchor usersbecause:(i) these anchors give the project legitimacy to the market andyour lenders; (ii) they attract But country radio programmers could still sink Paltrow's bid for legitimacy legitimacy 怎么翻译? THE LEGITIMACY CRISIS IN INVESTMENT TREATY ARBITRATION:PRIVATIZINGPUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW THROUGH这篇文章的中文翻译谁有么,呵呵,文章太长了,足足有十几页。所以我没传上来。谢谢72sujie 呵呵。 英语 单选 词汇题如果可以最好把考点说下 题很多 辛苦啦 要追加分数的1.There is a rising____of unemployment because of the econmic crisi.a.rate b.percentage c.ratio d.proportion【D】 为什么不选A4.I____with thanks the 请问legitimacy能在什么情况下使用? 英语翻译The 7.8 scale quake struck Sichuan province,a mountainous region in southwest China,on May 12,2008,resulting in over 87,000 deaths and 375,000 injuries.The disaster reaffrmed “the conviction that for the legitimacy of a state there is n THE LEGITIMACY CRISIS IN INVESTMENT TREATY ARBITRATION:PRIVATIZING PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW THROUG我四级刚过,所以非常吃力,一个一个词用有道查,太痛苦了,不过也磕磕巴巴翻了一些,如果可以的话,您帮我翻下最后 But country radio programmers could still sink her bid for legitimacy because she seems to lackthe potential for longevity.legitimacy 翻成什么? 我这句话做得对吗?we should have sense of people crisi.最后一个单词写错了是crisis,我要表达的意思是“我们要有民族危机感”, 英语翻译Private Chinese companies do not only want capital; they also want to use public offerings to restructure their operations in a way that can provide international legitimacy as well as a currency for long-term compensation that could inst 求翻译:In a country that ……In a country that already has a bad rap for fake Apple stores, rampant counterfeiting and questionable food supplies, touting a bank takeover that wasn't certainly doesn’t help support a reputation for legitimacy The the