我在冬天睡得比较早(tend to)翻译

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 11:12:34
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我在冬天睡得比较早(tend to)翻译 英语翻译冬天,人们往往睡的比较早.(tend to)我认为你并没有完全领会他的意思.(grasp)他们应该知道这个秘一直在撒谎.(all along)这种错误可能导致灾难性的后果.(lead to)这次新发现的石油对这个 麻烦翻译好吗谢谢 在我们这个地区,冬天往往很冷,夏天则温暖而干燥tend on 翻译They also tend to be older than traditional students. people tend to forget the knowledge they obtained easily 翻译 people tend to forget the knowledge they obtained easily 翻译. 英语翻译it is the happiest children who tend to earn the most 怎么翻译啊?我英语不好 关于tend 短语tend to sth.tend to do tend sb.tend to sb.麻烦意思. 翻译says bodies in montion tend to move and bodies at rest tend to stay at rest高手帮忙翻译一下,呵呵says bodies in montion tend to move and bodies at rest tend to stay at rest 冬天,雪融化得比较快的一面是( ). tend to什么意思 tend to 什么意思 tend to 在一个句子中的意思让我糊涂啦the negative feelings generated durling the day tend to show up in dreams early in the night.里面的tend to怎么解释呢?可以用lead to代替吗? 哪位高手帮我翻译下一下,这句英文 tend to come home fall asleep for a couple of hours, have some din 求这句People tend to use the most sincere appearance and the devout action hide a heart demon 求以上句子是否有语病,并帮我翻译. People tend to be more impressed by evidence that seems to confirm some relationship 怎么翻译 求翻译:the daring tend to be stuffed to death while the timid starve tend to be的意思