急:提问一道GRE绿皮填空题In today’s world,manufacturers’ innovations areeasily copied and thus differences between products are usually _________;advertisers,therefore,are forced to _________ these differences in order tosuggest the uniq

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 21:15:31
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急:提问一道GRE绿皮填空题In today’s world,manufacturers’ innovations areeasily copied and thus differences between products are usually _________;advertisers,therefore,are forced to _________ these differences in order tosuggest the uniq 急:提问一道GRE填空Although the records of colonial New England are______ in comparison with those available in France or England, the records ofother English colonies in America are even more ______. AE/CE Blank (i) Blank (ii) 请教一道gre 填空 请问陈圣元《句子填空》和XDF的GRE填空绿皮有什么区别呢?做完GRE填空绿皮去做《句子填空》有很多重复的他们的题是不是都一样的呀? 提问一道GRE填空Some paleontologists debate whether the diversity ofspecies has _______ since the Cambrian period,or whether imperfections in thefossil record only suggest greater diversity today,while in actuality therehas been either ________ 急:提问一道GRE填空Read’s apology to Heflin was not exactly abject anddid little to _____their decades-long quarrel, which had been as _____ as theacademic etiquette of scholarly journals permitted. AE/AF Blank (i) Blank (ii) 请帮我解答一道gre 填空 9.一道填空题,急. 一道填空题,急,快 新东方绿本GRE的一道填空不会,基础题we realized that john was still young and impressionable,but were nevertheless surprised at his_____为何答案为naive,而不是选“老成”类词语? 新东方填空绿皮最后的24套GRE填空补充练习题谁出的,怎么感觉好难.是难还是我水平低或者题出的不好那是真题还是新东方自己出的。 提问GRE填空题In recent decades,the idea that Cezanne influenced Cubism has beencaught in the ______ between art historians who credit Braque with itsinvention and those who ______ Picasso.AE/AFBlank (i)Blank (ii)A crossfireD dislikeB interplayE 求问一道新gre填空题,后两空为什么这么填? 提问GRE填空题Our new tools of systems analysis,powerful though they may be,leadto______theories,especially,and predictably,in economics and politicalscience,where productive approaches have long been highly______.CF/CEBlank (i)Blank (ii)A pragma 关于对划线部分提问填空的一道题.The pencils are in my pencil box.划线部分是The pencils.填空题是:____is in____pencil box? 两个填空题+一道选择题,急 求数学题填空题一道,急 求解释翻译一道新gre填空(>﹏