()is your shirt?It's black and white.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 19:18:08
-Is your shirt g ()? -no it's blue.填词 ()is your shirt?It's black and white. ( ) (Is) that (your shirt?) No,it's (Mike.)快 ________ is your shirt?It's black and white. Whose is that shirt?It is your daughter's?Is it your daughter's?​Whose is that shirt?It is your daughter's?Is it your daughter's?后面这两句有什么不一样吗? ()T-shirt is this?()this your ()? No,()(). ()()is your T-shirt? My T-shirt is blue ,()this T-shirtis yellow. I think it's Zhang peng . Is it your T-shirt?(否定回答) 1.Is your bag? No,it isn't ( )bag. 2.It is Bob's.It is ( ). 3.The shirt is( )【我的哥哥的】.谢谢分享! your shirt is dirty.( ) it for you? this shirt is(),that shirt is() A your,your‘s B your,mine C your’s,mine D mine,my选() 求解一中学英文题!五分!把下列句子组成小对话:()Here you aru.Catch!()This is my shirt.Myshirt`s biue.()No,sir.It is not my shirt.(1)Whose shirt is that?()Perhaps it is,sir.Tim`s shirt`s white.()Is this your shirt?()Is this your shi 给下列句子重新排序 ()Where's mine?Can you find it?()No,it isn't.()Is it on the bed?未完()Is tnis your T-shirt?()Yes,it is. how is your shirt ,mary?it is more beautiful thana .my sister's b.my sisterc.sister d.mine 用what where when HOW 填空( )color is It’s red.( )is his name?His name is Tim.( )is your T-shirt?its on the bed.( )are you?iam fine,thank you.( )is your mother?she is fine.( )is her shoes?They are under the bed.( )much is the shirt?Ti’s This shirt‘s is very small,I can’t wear it.a:This shirt is( )( )for me( )wear b:This shirt is( )small ( )I ( )it c:This shirt is not( )( )for me to wear d:I can'wear this shirt ( )it is( )( ) e:This shirt is very s Your shirt is on the bed.( )it in the wardrobe. Here is Tom’s shirt.What colour is it?(改为复数句) What colour()your brother's shirt.(dose is are)