英语作文 各位大侠看看有没有什么语法问题,due attention should be given to spoken englishAs we all know,after china joins WTO and then opens olympic game and expo ,more and more foreigner pour into our mainland,so the importanct of h

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 09:05:03
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英语作文 各位大侠看看有没有什么语法问题,due attention should be given to spoken englishAs we all know,after china joins WTO and then opens olympic game and expo ,more and more foreigner pour into our mainland,so the importanct of h 英语作文 各位大侠看看有没有什么语法问题,6级水平 due attention should be given to spoken englishAs we all know,after china joins WTO and then opens olympic game and expo ,more and more foreigner pour into our mainland,so the impo 英语六级作文 各位大侠看看有没有什么语法问题,due attention should be given to spoken englishAs we all know,after china joins WTO and then opens olympic game and expo ,more and more foreigner pour into our mainland,so the importanc 帮忙看看英语作文语法问题这图是我的英语作业,交上去之前希望大神们帮我检查一下语法上有设么问题没有,或者有其他什么需要改进的地方 请雅思大神帮我看看我写的这篇英语作文我感觉自己存在很多问题,请大神帮我看看,我的语法有没有问题,自己写的从句有没有问题,词汇用法有错误么.该删去些什么该添加什么.还有我的段落 六级作文就一段 请各位大侠看看有什么语法上的问题伐?The reason for this strange phenomenon is obvious.Firstly,both the high price of housing and the stress of work are the biggest factor.Graduates can't afford an apartment or re 六级作文就一段 请各位大侠看看有什么语法上的问题伐?Every year,there are a lot of graduates coming to the current society.Some of them are willing to strive for their better life by themselves,but now more and more graduates cho 英语六级作文,请各位大侠看看有什么语法上的问题伐?living with parents after graduationEvery year,there are a lot of graduates coming to the current society.Some of them are willing to strive for their better life by themselves,bu Cet6 作文 请各位大侠看看有什么语法上的问题伐?living with parents after graduationEvery year,there are a lot of graduates coming to the current society.Some of them are willing to strive for their better life by themselves,but now m 帮我看看我这篇英语作文有没有语法上的错误 能帮我看看这篇英语作文有什么语法错了吗 请各位大侠帮我看看下面这段英文信有没有语法问题,或者表达不合适,是否可以更委婉一些,谢谢Dear Mr. FFF,My name is FFF. Can I write my PhD thesis in field of international trade under your guidance and work as a res 来来来各位大神大仙帮我看看这句话语法有没有什么问题,求指点! Yes sometime we dont want to forget a relationship not much for the person once we have been falling love with but the one ourselves 帮我看看有没有什么语法的错误可好 一篇英语作文,帮我看看有没有错误的地方.这是我补课留的作业,写一篇关于现在很多人拼写上的问题的作文.清会英语的人帮我看看有没有语法之类上的错误,我打了,怎么没有啊 白打了。现 帮忙看一下这篇英语作文有没有语法问题 各位帮我看看这篇英语作文有没有什么要修改的啊~包括语法词汇丰富度句式等等 The most considerable factor that I want to attend in Queen’s is its environment: the environment of professors, students, fantastic facili 英语翻译作文一般中等,各位大侠看看能不能过啊