
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 07:32:55 公共英语等级考试

  46. The writer wants us to understand that a child___

  [A] has to be taught how to play

  [B] likes a toy

  [C] matures through play

  [D] can grow up with toys

  7. Toys have several functions except___

  [A] helping children to play

  [B] urging children to play

  [C] recommending ways for children to play

  [D] asking children to play

  48. The passage tells us that children are the most curious when they are about___

  [A] four years old

  [B] six years old

  [C] one year old

  [D] two years old

  49. The passage is about___

  [A] the importance of education

  [B] the importance of play

  [C] the children’s speech development

  [D] the relationship between play and study

  50. Which of the following does the author NOT express?

  [A] The function of toys is to inspire play.

  [B] Good toys are very important to the children’s growth.

  [C] Toys should be chosen according to children’s ages.

  [D] Toys are still the main source of learning for a student.

  51. Now a nation’s political influence depends on___

  [A] the strength of its military forces

  [B] its ability to compete in industry

  [C] economic markets

  [D] both A and B

  52. The Soviet Union was not being listed as a third-world nation just because of___

  [A] it’s powerful military forces

  [B] it’s vast land

  [C] it’s industrial competitiveness

  [D] it’s contributions to world peace

  53. The author indicates that___is threatening American political power.

  [A] other countries

  [B] the declining U.S. industrial base

  [C] a new standard for measuring power

  [D] less advanced technology

  54. America succeeded in shaping world events over the past 40 years probably because of___

  [A] it’s ability .to adapt technology

  [B] it’s ability to take advantage of the capabilities of its people

  [C] it’s ability to compete in the world markets

  [D] both A and B

  55. The purpose of writing this article is___

  [A] to draw the readers’ attention to a new standard for measuring power

  [B] to demonstrate America political influence in the world

  [C] to emphasize that effort must be made to strengthen the declining U. S, industrial base

  [D] to show American industrial prowess

  56. This passage is mainly concerned with___

  [A] people's growing interest in natural foods

  [B] natural food and healthy diet

  [C] the importance of fibre in foods

  [D]harrnful effects of sugar

  57. The passage tells us that___

  [A] sugar is bad for the health

  [B] the use of sugar is habit forming

  [C] people need sugar to give them energy

  [D] sugar provides us with nothing useful

  58. Which of the following is a reason for people’s growing interest in natural foods?

  [A] They want to return to nature.

  [B] They want to eat all kinds of foods.

  [C] Natural foods are very delicious.

  [D] They are more health conscious.

  59. Food that is rich in organic matter___

  [A] has been nourished by fertilizers

  [B] contains vegetable matter that has not been consumed

  [C] has had chemicals and fertilizer added to it

  [D] contains large quantifies of vitamins

  60. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

  [A] Chickens are fed on food which is little better than garbage.

  [B] Chickens live in very crowded condition.

  [C] The eggs chickens produce lack vitamins.

  [D] Chickens are free to move about.
