.写过程(7题)(英文的)1.X的平方+Y的平方+Z的平方=390,X,Y,Z都是正整数请问X+Y+Z=多少Question 2A carpenter has a long rod of length 4m83cm.He needs to cut this rod into lengths of 161cm,23cm and 7cm so that he would get at least on

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 06:56:13
.写过程(7题)(英文的)1.X的平方+Y的平方+Z的平方=390,X,Y,Z都是正整数请问X+Y+Z=多少Question 2A carpenter has a long rod of length 4m83cm.He needs to cut this rod into lengths of 161cm,23cm and 7cm so that he would get at least on
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.写过程(7题)(英文的)1.X的平方+Y的平方+Z的平方=390,X,Y,Z都是正整数请问X+Y+Z=多少Question 2A carpenter has a long rod of length 4m83cm.He needs to cut this rod into lengths of 161cm,23cm and 7cm so that he would get at least on
Question 2
A carpenter has a long rod of length 4m83cm.He needs to cut this rod into lengths of 161cm,23cm and 7cm so that he would get at least one rod of each length and have nothing left over.After a while,the carpenter managed to solve this problem.How many rods of each length did he get?Find all possible solutions.
Question 3
Points A and B are on the banks of a river.It takes a motorbank 1 hour to go down-stream from A to B and 1.5 hours up-stream from B to A.How long would it take the mtorboat to go from C to D and back,if C and D are on the shores of a still lake and C to D is the same distane as A to
Question 4
The executive director of the "Smart Solutions" company wishes to employ 9 new staff members.There are 14 applicants:4 mathematicians and 10 accountants.In how many ways can the executive director select 9 people if he wants to employ at least one mathematician?
Question 5
Show that (29 times 20^99) + (71 times 56^64) + (24 times 37^55) is divisible by 19.^means power ex 2^2 two squared 2^3 two cubed * means times
Question 6
For the Pan Australian Games the three states at the top of the medals table (Victoria,S.A.and W.A) had won a total of 186 medals.Victoria has won the most gold medals and SA had as many gold medals as bronze medals.Victoria and SA won the same number of silver medals.WA had two more silver medals than bronze medals and their gold medals numbered one more than Victoria's bronze medals.Victoria had as many gold medals as the bronze medals of SA and WA combined and this number was also three quarters the total number of medals won by SA.The number of gold medals won by the three states was one less than the total number of medals won by Victoria.How many of each medal did each state win?
Question 7
A number is written on a whiteboard.Jim writes 221 to the right of this number thus obtaining a new number which turns out to be a multiple of the original one.What is the original number?Find all possible solutions
食饭睡觉打东东 你真是天才..拜托你告诉我一下第一题那3个数字怎么得出来的好吗?能知道你的QQ或者MSN吗?我实在懒的用百度这东西

.写过程(7题)(英文的)1.X的平方+Y的平方+Z的平方=390,X,Y,Z都是正整数请问X+Y+Z=多少Question 2A carpenter has a long rod of length 4m83cm.He needs to cut this rod into lengths of 161cm,23cm and 7cm so that he would get at least on
v+x=1.5(v-x) 两点距离相等
v+x=vT 距离相等
Q4:至少一个人是数学家,也就是先从4个数学家里面挑一个 C 4 1
然后剩下13个里面任意挑8个填补剩下的位置 C 13 8
(C 4 1 表示组合数,由于这里编辑不了,所以只能这样写出.)
两项相乘4×13×12×11×10×9=617760 种挑法
Q7:因为在原数字右边加了221 以后 那个数字是原数字的倍数,可设原数字为X,得方程:1000X+221=nX n=1,2,3,...
楼上的,请问Q5 你为什么写个15出来呀?


Answer of Question 1:X+Y+Z=26(x=2,y=5,z=19)

Question 5
Question 6

.写过程(7题)(英文的)1.X的平方+Y的平方+Z的平方=390,X,Y,Z都是正整数请问X+Y+Z=多少Question 2A carpenter has a long rod of length 4m83cm.He needs to cut this rod into lengths of 161cm,23cm and 7cm so that he would get at least on 5x的平方-18=9x写过程用完全平方差法解 因式分解(写过程哈.,)1.x的立方-64x2.x的平方-x+1/43.4-12(x-y)+9(x-y)的平方4.x的立方+5x的平方-6x 3x的平方-[7x-(4x-3)-2x的平方]怎么写,要过程,谢谢.要先去括号再算,谢谢啦啊 3x的平方-[7x-(4x-3)-2x的平方]怎么写,要过程,谢谢.要先去括号再算,谢谢啦啊、、 2x的平方-10=0和(2x-3)的平方=(-7)的平方怎么解?帮我把这两道题过程答案一起写出来,顺便求大神们说一说怎么解决这种题的方法! 3.14x的平方=(2.14+x)x把计算过程写清楚 求值:(1) (3x的平方)的立方-7x的立方[x的立方-x(4x的平方+1)]+(-x的平方)的平方,其中x=二分之一(2)6xy[x的平方(5x+3)-3x的平方(-4y)],其中x=2,y=三分之一(要求写清过程,标出题号 x的平方-7x+12求过程是因式分解 6x的平方减7x加1=0,用一元二次方程解,最好照相写过程 数学,解方程:2倍的x的平方-10x=3写过程! 在复数范围内因式分解:2x的平方+x+1请写一下过程 (x+y)平方+6(x+y)+9写过程仔细的 2x-6/4-4x+x的平方/(x+3)*x的平方+6x+9/3-x过程咋写 X的平方等于100平方加上(300-2X)的平方求X的值拜托 不要写符号 我看不懂 要纯汉字的 要过程 已知A=4X的平方-5XY+Y的平方,B=X平方+3XY-5Y平方,求:1.A-5B的值;2.-5A+2B的值有两题,要过程,写清楚,谢谢 若x的平方-xy=16,xy-y的平方=-8,则4x的平方-7xy+3y的平方说清楚点!过程别忘了写出来! 10的平方-x的平方=17的平方-(21-x)的平方的过程