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John Keats
In his short life, John Keats wrote some of the most beautiful and enduring poems in the English language. Among his greatest achievements is his sequence of six lyric odes, written between March and September 1819--astonishingly, when Keats was only twenty-four years old. Keats's poetic achievement is made all the more miraculous by the age at which it ended: He died barely a year after finishing the ode "To Autumn," in February 1821. Keats was born in 1795 to a lower-middle-class family in London. When he was still young, he lost both his parents. His mother succumbed to tuberculosis, the disease that eventually killed Keats himself. When he was fifteen, Keats entered into a medical apprenticeship, and eventually he went to medical school. But by the time he turned twenty, he abandoned his medical training to devote himself wholly to poetry. He published his first book of poems in 1817; they drew savage critical attacks from an influential magazine, and his second book attracted comparatively little notice when it appeared the next year. Keats's brother Tom died of tuberculosis in December 1818, and Keats moved in with a friend in Hampstead. In Hampstead, he fell in love with a young girl named Fanny Brawne. During this time, Keats began to experience the extraordinary creative inspiration that enabled him to write, at a frantic rate, all his best poems in the time before he died. His health and his finances declined sharply, and he set off for Italy in the summer of 1820, hoping the warmer climate might restore his health. He never returned home. His death brought to an untimely end one of the most extraordinary poetic careers of the nineteenth century--indeed, one of the most extraordinary poetic careers of all time. Keats never achieved widespread recognition for his work in his own life (his bitter request for his tombstone: "Here lies one whose name was writ on water"), but he was sustained by a deep inner confidence in his own ability. Shortly before his death, he remarked that he believed he would be among "the English poets" when he had died. Keats was one of the most important figures of early nineteenth-century Romanticism, a movement that espoused the sanctity of emotion and imagination, and privileged the beauty of the natural world. Many of the ideas and themes evident in Keats's great odes are quintessentially Romantic concerns: the beauty of nature, the relation between imagination and creativity, the response of the passions to beauty and suffering, and the transience of human life in time. The sumptuous sensory language in which the odes are written, their idealistic concern for beauty and truth, and their expressive agony in the face of death are all Romantic preoccupations--though at the same time, they are all uniquely Keats's. Taken together, the odes do not exactly tell a story--there is no unifying "plot" and no recurring characters--and there is little evidence that Keats intended them to stand together as a single work of art. Nevertheless, the extraordinary number of suggestive interrelations between them is impossible to ignore. The odes explore and develop the same themes, partake of many of the same approaches and images, and, ordered in a certain way, exhibit an unmistakable psychological development. This is not to say that the poems do not stand on their own--they do, magnificently; one of the greatest felicities of the sequence is that it can be entered at any point, viewed wholly or partially from any perspective, and still prove moving and rewarding to read. There has been a great deal of critical debate over how to treat the voices that speak the poems--are they meant to be read as though a single person speaks them all, or did Keats invent a different persona for each ode? There is no right answer to the question, but it is possible that the question itself is wrong: The consciousness at work in each of the odes is unmistakably Keats's own. Of course, the poems are not explicitly autobiographical (it is unlikely that all the events really happened to Keats), but given their sincerity and their shared frame of thematic reference, there is no reason to think that they do not come from the same part of Keats's mind--that is to say, that they are not all told by the same part of Keats's reflected self. In that sense, there is no harm in treating the odes a sequence of utterances told in the same voice. The psychological progress from "Ode on Indolence" to "To Autumn" is intimately personal, and a great deal of that intimacy is lost if one begins to imagine that the odes are spoken by a sequence of fictional characters. When you think of "the speaker" of these poems, think of Keats as he would have imagined himself while writing them. As you trace the speaker's trajectory from the numb drowsiness of "Indolence" to the quiet wisdom of "Autumn," try to hear the voice develop and change under the guidance of Keats's extraordinary language.

关于约翰济慈关于他的生平介绍,写作风格特点等.要英文版的.一定要英文的!要生平介绍啊生活之类的英文的 关于梁实秋的介绍,不要生平什么的,主要分析一下他的写作风格,或者以一篇他的文章为例文分析他的写法特点什么的 介绍孟子的生平,仁义的思想和他的写作风格 跪求一篇关于美国作家Allen Poe的英文介绍 重点是他的作品和写作风格介绍! 跪求一篇关于美国作家Walt Whitman的英文介绍 重点是他的作品和写作风格介绍! 跪求一篇关于美国作家Nathanie Hawthorne的英文介绍 重点是他的作品和写作风格介绍! 关于欧亨利的生平欧亨利,他的生活和他写作风格的联系,他的生活经历对他写作的影响,最好是英语,中文也可以吧,在下准备了200分 约翰·济慈的“美即是真, 杜甫简介和诗词杜甫写作的风格,人物的性格,风格,他的生平和成就.如果有他的作品风格相符的诗词、诗意和介绍,急用!具体要在回答中,不要网页! 有那些介绍华盛顿欧文的书啊,最好是英文原著!中文也可!我要写关于欧文的论文,关于他的书和生平,想找一些关于时代背景和生平及作品风格结合在一起的哦!诸位大人辛苦提点一下好吧,小妹 约翰尼德普的英文介绍要关于他的 英文介绍,不用太长,就介绍他的成长还有他比较有名的电影,最好有中英对照 关于法布尔生平介绍 关于、韩世忠他的生平一切,越多越好, 关于李白的诗句生平与事迹麻烦列举 与他生平起落有关的诗句,越多越好, 最好一句诗附一小段生平介绍 关于李白的诗句生平与事迹麻烦列举 与他生平起落有关的诗句,越多越好,最好一句诗附一小段生平介绍 纪伯伦的生平,写作风格和散文诗的特点 简奥斯丁的英语介绍关于 她的生平故事 写作历程 著作 注重介绍简 而不是简的作品 越详细越好滴 哪位哥哥姐姐可以告诉我 关于海伦凯特 《再塑生命》与 安妮 莎莉文的一些事 是八年级下册 第五篇课文海伦凯特 的生平简介 《再塑生命》的写作背景 安妮 莎莉文的介绍