_____and _____ shall we meet?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:49:38
_____and _____ shall we meet?

_____and _____ shall we meet?
_____and _____ shall we meet?

_____and _____ shall we meet?
when and where shall we meet

When and where何时哪里见面

_____and _____ shall we meet? 我擅长数学和科学.I'm_____ _____ _____and _____ . English 8第三大题:完形填空.——Hello,Kate.It's a beautiful day,isn't it?——Yes,what a _____ day!Ann and I _____ go for an outing this afternoon.Would you like to go _____ me?——I'd love _____.Thanks a _____ _____and _____ shall we mee English 8第三大题:完形填空.——Hello,Kate.It's a beautiful day,isn't it?——Yes,what a _____ day!Ann and I _____ go for an outing this afternoon.Would you like to go _____ me?——I'd love _____.Thanks a _____ _____and _____ shall we mee (一) 完形填空.(每空一词)-- Hello,Kate.It's a beautiful day,isn't it?-- Yes,what a _____ day!Ann and I _____ go on an outing this afternoon.Would you like to go _____ me?-- I'd love _____.Thanks a _____._____and _____ shall we meet?-- Let 英语翻译孩子们,要继续努力学习和互相帮助.My children,_____ _____ _____ _____and helping each other. 我最好的朋友总是忧虑而且常感到压力.My best friend always _____ ____ _____and often_______. 我最好的朋友总是忧虑而且常感到压力.My best friend always _____ ____ _____and often_______. shall we _____(have) a picnic tomorrow we shall love our country for _____ where shall we _____ to fly kites Shall we go there by bus?改为同义句 _____ _____ we _____ _____ _____ there 一道英语同义句转换,The satellites are used to send and receive messages.The satellites are ______ _____ _____and receiving messages. 用括号里的词的正确形式1)I get a gift from _____and _____.(he;she)2)You don,t want to use _____pencil.(he)You,ll buy your own pencil.3)I know that book is _____(I) because I had written _____(I) name in it.4)At the gate of school _____and _ shall shall Shall we begin our meeting?同义句._____ _____our meeting,shall we? Let's have a picnic,shall we?Yes,_____.