go round 能转换 around吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 15:53:48
go round 能转换 around吗?
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go round 能转换 around吗?
go round 能转换 around吗?

go round 能转换 around吗?
round 和around的意思相近,但用法不完全相同.
around round
作介词用的around与round通常可以互换,只不过美语常用around,而英语常用round,例如:You can see the post office round/around that corner.(绕过那个弯你就可以看到邮局.但是一定要区别它们的不同之处:round可以用作形容词、副词、介词、动词、名词;而around只能用作副词或介词.例如:The post office is just round (around) the house (用作介词).He has round face (用作形容词).The river rounded the stones.(用作动词)?
The earth revolves round(around)the sun(地球绕太阳运行).
They sat round(around)the table.(他们围着桌子而坐)
New things are happening all round(around) us(新事物在我们周围不断发生)
There is a small restaurant round(around)the corner(绕过街角有一家小餐馆).
The news that President Clinton was coming spread rapidly around the campus(Clinton 总统就要到来的消息很快地就在校园里传开啦)
3.around 还可以表示"不止一处","在许多地方","在不同地方".但在美国英语里,一般只用around,例如:
The students are standing around(学生们在到处站着)
They are rushing around in New York.(他们在New York到处奔波).


around 和 round 在这里没多大的区别

around 和 round 在这里没多大的区别