
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:07:47
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关键词:国有商业银行 不良资产 集中处置

Reflect on the Centralized Disposal of State-owned Commercial Bank Bad Assets
outlet:As the reform of stock system of state-run commercial banks spread broadly,the state-run commercial banks can't depend the country on dispose of improper capital any more.Hence there is no doubt that how to improve the system of improper capital dispose on current condition should be an issue of emphatic-attention.In this aspect,part of the state-run commercial banks have adopted system of improper capital dispose centralization and transformed the way of disposing the improper capital.The passage is used for analyzing and paying a judgement.

Reflect on the Centralized Disposal of State-owned Commercial Bank Bad Assets
Abstract: As the reformation on the state-owned commercial bank joint-stock system develops full ring, it will be impo...


Reflect on the Centralized Disposal of State-owned Commercial Bank Bad Assets
Abstract: As the reformation on the state-owned commercial bank joint-stock system develops full ring, it will be impossible for state-owned commericial bank to
totally depends on country to dispose the bad assets. Therefore the approach to reform the bad assets disposal system under the present condition has
doubtlesssly become the key issue of the state-owned commericial joint-stock system reformation and deserves the most attention. In this aspect, some state
owned commercial bank has adopt the centralized disposal of the bad assets mothod to reform the traditional disposal method, and this thesis will make a analysis
and evaluation on it.
Keywords: State-owned Commercial Bank ; Bad Assets; Centralized Disposal


About reflection of improper capital centralization of state-run commercial banks
outlet:As the reform of stock system of state-run commercial banks spread broadly,the state-run commercial banks...


About reflection of improper capital centralization of state-run commercial banks
outlet:As the reform of stock system of state-run commercial banks spread broadly,the state-run commercial banks can't depend the country on dispose of improper capital any more.Hence there is no doubt that how to improve the system of improper capital dispose on current condition should be an issue of emphatic-attention.In this aspect,part of the state-run commercial banks have adopted system of improper capital dispose centralization and transformed the way of disposing the improper capital.The passage is used for analyzing and paying a judgement.
Key words:state-run commercial banks improper capital centralized dispose


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