英语改错,一定要有解析哦,..典型单句改错1 .The price of oil is expensive now .2 .How much is the population of China?3 .How do you call it in English?4 .How long have you bought the bike?5 .The sun rises from the east .6 .She married w

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 19:18:01
英语改错,一定要有解析哦,..典型单句改错1 .The price of oil is expensive now .2 .How much is the population of China?3 .How do you call it in English?4 .How long have you bought the bike?5 .The sun rises from the east .6 .She married w
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英语改错,一定要有解析哦,..典型单句改错1 .The price of oil is expensive now .2 .How much is the population of China?3 .How do you call it in English?4 .How long have you bought the bike?5 .The sun rises from the east .6 .She married w
1 .The price of oil is expensive now .
2 .How much is the population of China?
3 .How do you call it in English?
4 .How long have you bought the bike?
5 .The sun rises from the east .
6 .She married with a rich man .
7 .Tom hit her on her back .
8 .How is he like?He is tall and thin .
9 .This is the boy his English is very good .
10 .I want to see how your new pen looks like .
11 .They are lazy .Both of them are not diligent .
12 .He is very easy to get angry .
13 .He suggested me to drink plenty of water .
14 .Cotton is felt soft .
15 .The book is very worth reading .
16 .He longed me to be a good student .
17 .Don’t read under the sun .
18 .There are many people study English .
19 .How should I do with the letter?
20 .I don’t know how to do .
21 .Though he has worked for ten hours ,he felt not a little tired .
22 .Do you know the girl whose name is called Jenny?
23 .They fled away when they saw their teacher .
24 .We should serve for the people heart and soul .
25 .This pair of shoes is a bit tight .Show me another one .
26 .Those who against the plan raise your hands .
27 .The dress spent him a lot of money .
28 .His house broke out a great fire last night .
29 .His hometown has taken great changes since liberation .
30 .We must find a box to put these books .
31 .The bad weather prevented us to go out .
32 .He is the tallest of his brothers .
33 .Eggs change bad easily in summer .
34 What's the distance among the three villages?
35 .What ever do you consider happening to her?
36 .Child as he is ,but he knows a lot .
37 .To our surprise ,he has turned a thief .
38 .No matter who did that was wrong .
39 .I don't like to read letters written with pencil
40 .His mother is ill ,he has to look after her at home .
41 .There will have a meeting tomorrow .
42 .He has been here from last Sunday .
43 .We are important to study English well .
44 .I forgot my key at home .
45 .Could you help me?Yes ,I could .
46 .Tell them don't talk any more .
47 .I like green colour .
48 .At the age of five his mother died .
49 .Mother dresses coats for her baby every day .
50 .If he dare to come again ,I'll punish him .

英语改错,一定要有解析哦,..典型单句改错1 .The price of oil is expensive now .2 .How much is the population of China?3 .How do you call it in English?4 .How long have you bought the bike?5 .The sun rises from the east .6 .She married w
1 .The price of oil is high now .价格高,东西贵.如The pen is expensive.
2 .What is the population of China?人口是什么?固定用法.
3 .What do you call it in English?用英语你管它叫什么?
4 .How long have you kept the bike?keep是延续性动词,buy不是
5 .The sun rises in the east .in the east/west等是固定搭配
6 .She married a rich man .marry+sb.表与某人结婚.
7 .Tom hit her in her back .in+较软的身体部位,on+较硬的如头
8 .What is he like?He is tall and thin .like是介词,后缺宾语.所以应是他长什么样子?
9 .This is the boy whose English is very good .后面是定从,whose引导词
10 .I want to see what your new pen looks like .
11 .They are lazy .Neither of them are diligent .懒,所以全都不勤奋
12 .He is very easy to get angry with .这个结构中主语通常为不定式中动词的宾语,所以with不能省
13 .He advised me to drink plenty of water .advise sb.to do sth.没有suggest sb.to do 这个短语
14 .Cotton feels soft .feel是系动词,这句子说棉花的性质呢,不用被动
15 .The book is well worth reading .be well worth doing
16 .He wished me to be a good student .wish sb.to do sth.
17 .Don’t read in the sun .in the sun 在阳光中
18 .There are many people studying English .studying English非谓语修饰前面的名词
19 .How should I deal with the letter?或 What should I do with the letter?
how 与deal with what与do with 搭配
20 .I don’t know what to do .我不知道干什么
21 .Though he has worked for ten hours ,he felt not a bit tired .not a bit一点儿也不
22 .Do you know the girl whose name is Jenny?名字是=== 人被叫做===
23 .They fled when they saw their teacher .flee是逃跑的意思
24 .We should serve the people heart and soul .serve sb.为某人服务
25 .This pair of shoes is a bit tight .Show me another one .
26 .Those who are against the plan raise your hands .be against sb./sth.
27 .The dress cost him a lot of money .sth.cost sb.some mone/sb.spend some money.
28 .A great fire broke out in his house last night .火爆发.
29 .Great changes has taken place in his hometown since liberation .sth.takes place.
30 .We must find a box to put these books in.把书放入盒子里
31 .The bad weather prevented us going out .prevent sb.from doing