
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:08:44
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祝 工作愉快,项目更上一层楼!

Distiguished Leader,
I've been worked in the company since August,2005.And I enjoy the work I'm doing.But due to the invitation from my old classmates and other personal reasons,I think twice and decide to resign my job now.I have one month to finish some tasks and work transfer within the coming month.I feel deeply regretful for the inconvenience I made to our company.And I hope you'll approve my application.
I've learned and experienced a lot from working in your company.Thanks a lot to all colleagues.
Wish you enjoy your work and better best.

Dear XXX,
How are you? I have been working in this company for four years since August 2005, and I like this job very much! However, because of the invitation from one of my former classmates plus...


Dear XXX,
How are you? I have been working in this company for four years since August 2005, and I like this job very much! However, because of the invitation from one of my former classmates plus some other reasons, I have decided to quit this job despite some hesitations. I will spend my last month here in order to complete some trasfer of my former tasks and works. Deeply regretted, I am sorry for the inconvenience that might have been caused by that and meanwhile, I am looking forward to the authorization of my resignation.
It has been a precious experience which would definitely benefit me in the future working in your company, and I would also like to extend my warmest regards to my collegues.
Everything goes well.
Best wishes.


From August 2005 to now, I've been in the company for four years, and I really like the job. But because the students invited to and some personal reasons, after again thinking I have decided to resig...


From August 2005 to now, I've been in the company for four years, and I really like the job. But because the students invited to and some personal reasons, after again thinking I have decided to resign from my present work. Prior to leaving I had a month to complete some tasks and work hand-over. For this company the inconvenience, I am sorry. But we also hope the company can my application be granted.
For xxx company's services, this experience has taught me to benefit greatly, I am very grateful to the company colleagues.
I wish happiness and project a higher level!
--- So -
Thank you in!


Respected leadership, Hello:
From August 2005 to now, I've been in the company for four years, and I really like the job. But because the students invited to and some personal reasons, after again...


Respected leadership, Hello:
From August 2005 to now, I've been in the company for four years, and I really like the job. But because the students invited to and some personal reasons, after again thinking I have decided to resign from my present work. Prior to leaving I had a month to complete some tasks and work hand-over. For this company the inconvenience, I am sorry. But we also hope the company can my application be granted.
For xxx company's services, this experience has taught me to benefit greatly, I am very grateful to the company colleagues.
I wish happiness and project a higher level!
--- So -


英语翻译尊敬的领导,从2005年八月至今,我已经在公司工作四年了,我很喜欢这份工作.但因为同学的邀请和一些个人原因,经过再三的思考我决定辞去现在的工作.离职前我有一个月的时间完成一 尊敬地领导 还是尊敬的领导 “尊敬的公司领导”,用古文怎么说? 英语翻译从1997年直辖至今,重庆已经发展成中国西南地区的经济中心 英语写信 开头的尊敬的领导怎么说 尊敬的各位领导用英语怎么讲 英语翻译今天是我在A的最后一天,从2004加入A至今已经4年多的时间,这些青春的时光将会成为我人生中最重要和最难忘的日子在这里感谢每一位领导,同事,和客户,你们给予了我很多的帮助,让我 受人尊敬的英语翻译 英语翻译尊敬的各位来宾亲爱的各位朋友,内蒙古百事皆商贸有限公司,呼和浩特市百节贸易有限责任公司,2011年公司年会暨迎新年联谊会即将开始,请各位领导来宾敬请入座.下面以热烈的掌声 为什么要尊敬领导?领导不应该尊敬我吗? 为什么要尊敬领导?领导不应该尊敬我吗? 英语翻译尊敬的朱市长,尊敬的各位领导、嘉宾、老师,亲爱的同学们:下午好!今天,我们欢聚在这里,隆重举行2010—2011学年度开学典礼.我想对大家们说的是要“学会合作,学会学习”. 从2007年至今猪肉价格上涨的原因 从1840年至今关于经济,文化的历史事件 对20世纪二三十年代斯大林领导下的苏联社会主义建设如何评价?对20世纪二三十年代斯大林领导下的苏联社会主义建设如何评价,历来众说纷坛,至今莫衷一是.有学者认为,从富国强兵的角度来 英语翻译1.经多次讨论及员工负责人的建议,从七月一日起,服务员们每两个周末工作一次,取代以前每三个周末工作两次的安排.2.尊敬的领导,我们班团支部决定到贵院为全体夕阳红老年公寓 英语翻译把以下翻译成英文 尊敬的领导您好 感谢贵公司给我一个面试机会 并祝愿贵公司事业欣欣向荣蒸蒸日上 从高中进入大学以后我一直没有放松自己一直努力奋斗积极提高自身素质和知 英语翻译尊敬的领导尊敬的领导:我很遗憾自己在这个时候向公司正式提出辞职申请.来到公司也已经快两年了,在这近两年里,得到了公司各位同事的多方帮助,我非常感谢公司各位同事.正是