句子各部分是什么成分?尤其Of those 为什么在句首?主语?Of those fast-growing countreis, China,whose economy has been growing at 9 percent per year,is particularly successful

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 11:39:53
句子各部分是什么成分?尤其Of those 为什么在句首?主语?Of  those fast-growing countreis, China,whose economy has been growing at 9 percent per year,is particularly successful
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句子各部分是什么成分?尤其Of those 为什么在句首?主语?Of those fast-growing countreis, China,whose economy has been growing at 9 percent per year,is particularly successful
句子各部分是什么成分?尤其Of those 为什么在句首?主语?
Of those fast-growing countreis, China,whose economy has been growing at 9 percent per year,is particularly successful

句子各部分是什么成分?尤其Of those 为什么在句首?主语?Of those fast-growing countreis, China,whose economy has been growing at 9 percent per year,is particularly successful
Of those fast-growing countreis(地点状语,为了强调置于句首),China主语),whose economy has been growing at 9 percent per year(定语从句),is particularly successful(主句谓语---系表结构)
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句子各部分是什么成分?尤其Of those 为什么在句首?主语?Of those fast-growing countreis, China,whose economy has been growing at 9 percent per year,is particularly successful 句子各部分是什么成分?尤其Of those 为什么在句首?主语?Of those fast-growing countreis,China,whose economy has been growing at 9 percent per year,is particularly successful.如果是倒装,Of those fast-growing countreis为了强 Proposed merger of our corporation into theirs is under study.句子结构和成分尤其proposed 英语句子中各部分的成分是什么?大概有哪些种类? 求翻译,求分析:they spent a lot of time negotiating for a pay rise, only to be fired.尤其后面的 only to be fired.在句子中充当什么成分?这句话意思是什么? I am very sorry that you have been inconvenienced by our failure to provide the level of services to which you are entitled.翻译句子的意思并分析句子的成分,尤其by 后边的句子, Is spring really that beautiful south of the Changjiang (river).这个句子很奇怪,应该怎么翻译比较好,还又是怎样的结构啊,各部分在句子中都作什么成分呀? i can't get along well with him帮忙分析这句子各部分成分构成, i am proud of you 这个OF you 在句子中是什么成分 It was because I could speak English that I got the job我想问一下这个句子各部分的结构(成分)分别是什么?这个句子的用法是it作形式主语?还是其他什么用法, 定语从句成分分析请讲讲各部分在句子中做什么.如There are many works of arts in the museum [which] we will visit tomorrow.which在句中做什么 为什么? we have plenty of time一个句子不能少的成分是什么?这个句子为什么要加of I were growing tired of waiting for the day ,这个句子中,成分是怎么划分的,growing是什么成分 句子各部分成分详细分析Marx found it important to study the situation in Russia. 谢谢啦 分析句子各部分成分the woman with whom you shock hands just now is my aunt in Canada. since the dawn of humen ingenuity 这句话中 the dawn of 在句子中充当什么成分 是什么词性 I have had great deal of trouble这个句子的成分是不是 have had 是谓语 之后是表语?但其中great deal of 是什么成分? 尤其的近义词是什么?