帮忙修改一下英文实习证明吧!单位有个外国实习生要回国,给她开了个实习证明,又不知道对不对,怕弄错了让外国人笑话,请大家帮帮忙啦!呵呵!Practice CertificateIt is certified that Daria Davydora Dasheko

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 08:07:54
帮忙修改一下英文实习证明吧!单位有个外国实习生要回国,给她开了个实习证明,又不知道对不对,怕弄错了让外国人笑话,请大家帮帮忙啦!呵呵!Practice CertificateIt is certified that Daria Davydora Dasheko
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帮忙修改一下英文实习证明吧!单位有个外国实习生要回国,给她开了个实习证明,又不知道对不对,怕弄错了让外国人笑话,请大家帮帮忙啦!呵呵!Practice CertificateIt is certified that Daria Davydora Dasheko
Practice Certificate
It is certified that Daria Davydora Dasheko finished her one-month practice.During the time of her internship, she worked hard and had a good performance.She made own contribution toimprove and upgrade the Level of knowledge of migrant workers. On dealing with her work, she was strict with herself, concerned about all the others and doing well in all her work.
Now the practice is over.
This is our Practice Certificate
( stamp)
February 18, 2011

帮忙修改一下英文实习证明吧!单位有个外国实习生要回国,给她开了个实习证明,又不知道对不对,怕弄错了让外国人笑话,请大家帮帮忙啦!呵呵!Practice CertificateIt is certified that Daria Davydora Dasheko
Intership Certificate
第一段:This is to certify Daria Davydora Dasheko has done her internship in 她实习的领域 at 你们单位名称 from 开始 to 结束日期.
第二段 :介绍实习内容,这里得靠你自己填,只有你最了解.
第三段:During the internship she demonstrated good skills with a self-motivated attitude to learn new things.Her performance exceeded expectations and was able to complete the work/task/project on time.
第四段:We wish him all the best for her future endeavors.

It is certified that Daria Davydora Dasheko finished her one-month practice. During the time of her internship, she worked hard and performed well. She improved and upgraded the Level of knowledge of ...


It is certified that Daria Davydora Dasheko finished her one-month practice. During the time of her internship, she worked hard and performed well. She improved and upgraded the Level of knowledge of migrant workers. When dealing with her work, she was strict with herself, doing well in all her work and is (?)concerned about all the others(?)
when writing "concerned about all the others" do you mean have good teamwork skills and is concerned about the well being of others?
不需要Now the practice is over
实习证明的格式我不是很懂, 但是我把句子里面不通顺的地方改掉了。


帮忙修改一下英文实习证明吧!单位有个外国实习生要回国,给她开了个实习证明,又不知道对不对,怕弄错了让外国人笑话,请大家帮帮忙啦!呵呵!Practice CertificateIt is certified that Daria Davydora Dasheko 实习证明 用英文怎么说 帮忙修改英文演讲稿请英语好的帮忙修改一下看看有没有错误的地方,如果可以, “实习证明”用英文怎么说?rt 实习证明怎么用英文表示 3.帮忙证明一下根号3是无理数4.证明质数有无限个 帮忙找一下外国有名的建筑和名胜古迹的英文介绍, 实习单位意见怎么写啊给个例文啊 帮忙证明一下这道题 关于外国文化的英文选择题谁帮忙找一下囿哪些关于外国文化的选择题啊,要弄个英语知识竞赛用德,要是英文德,谢谢ㄋ 请帮忙翻译几个化妆品的英文单词~!我有一套外国的化妆品,都是英文的,看不懂,请大家帮忙翻译一下~!1.hand and nail cream 2. body butter 3名大学生分配到4个单位实习,每个单位不超过2名学生,则不同的分配方案有 英语翻译北京市 西城区 德胜门外大街83号 德胜国际中心B座405室 中文地址翻译成英文,部分修改了一下,有英文通帮忙翻译一下,由于办签证需要填写所以比较着急, 谁能帮我写一个关于离别的晚会的开场白,一送同学出去实习为话题谢谢了,大神帮忙啊我们有同学要出去实习了,学校打算举行一场晚会,谁能帮我写一下串词吗 帮忙用英语介绍一下嫦娥奔月的传说和中秋节的由来我有个外国朋友,想给她介绍一下中秋节的由来,可本人水平有限, 我有一篇英文稿子,希望有英语功底的高人帮忙改进一下,修改语法错误,使文章更本土更顺希望真正英语好的人来帮忙,比较急. 外国的货币单位有哪些 帮我找个外国笔友吧.想找个美国人做笔友.谁可以帮忙介绍个?