电气汉译英在线翻译 急 请高手进来 在线翻译不要译文: 变电站是电力系统中变换电压、接受和分配电能、控制电力的流向和调整电压的电力设施,它通过其变压器将各级电压的电网联系

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:14:11
电气汉译英在线翻译 急 请高手进来 在线翻译不要译文:    变电站是电力系统中变换电压、接受和分配电能、控制电力的流向和调整电压的电力设施,它通过其变压器将各级电压的电网联系
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电气汉译英在线翻译 急 请高手进来 在线翻译不要译文: 变电站是电力系统中变换电压、接受和分配电能、控制电力的流向和调整电压的电力设施,它通过其变压器将各级电压的电网联系
电气汉译英在线翻译 急 请高手进来 在线翻译不要

电气汉译英在线翻译 急 请高手进来 在线翻译不要译文: 变电站是电力系统中变换电压、接受和分配电能、控制电力的流向和调整电压的电力设施,它通过其变压器将各级电压的电网联系
The transformer substation is in the electrical power system transforms the voltage,accepts with the assignment electrical energy,control electric power flow direction with the regulation voltage electric power facility,it relates through its transformer all levels of voltage electrical network,is an electrical power system part.The transformer substation is composed by a series of equipment,the electrical energy transforms,the contact,the live pressure,the assignment in among.Transformer substation including each kind of equipment:Transformer,circuit breaker,load switch,generatrix,current transformer,voltage transformer and so on.This article is to a 35 kilovolt transformer substation electrical part design.This design take the actual load as the basis,take the transformer substation best movement as the foundation,according to the related stipulation and the standard,completed has satisfied this area power supply request the 35kV transformer substation preliminary design.This article altogether divides into eight parts,in which mainly includes the host wiring the design,the load computation,the transformer choice,the high-pressured electric appliance choice,the transformer substation illumination anti-radar and the transformer substation arrangement and so on.This transformer substation is equipped with 2 main transformers,two group power source coils in,35 kilovolts high-tension sides and 10 kilovolts high-tension sides use the single generatrix sectional type structure.This design has carried on the proof to the electrical host wiring diagram pattern,and has carried on the short-circuit current computation.Simultaneously to the main electrical equipment (including circuit breaker,load switch,isolator,current transformer,voltage transformer) has also carried on the choice and the verification.Also has carried on the design and the computation to the illumination and the anti-radar earth protection disposition.And attaches the transformer substation floor-plan,the high and low pressure disposition chart,the transformer substation illumination horizontal plan and the transformer substation anti-radar earth chart.

电气汉译英在线翻译 急 请高手进来 在线翻译不要译文: 变电站是电力系统中变换电压、接受和分配电能、控制电力的流向和调整电压的电力设施,它通过其变压器将各级电压的电网联系 英语在线翻译,高手进来看题!高分悬赏! 急!希腊语在线翻译.在线等一共翻译两个词:小婕晓杰 中译韩在线翻译 很急 不要用翻译器 在线等 高中物理高手进来回答,急^_^! 英文翻译问题,会英文的进来.高手帮帮忙翻译几个英文,Sort Ascending Sort Descending Alignment Align Left Align Center Align Rignt 高手帮帮忙,在线等急 谢谢 英语翻译请英语高手进来,帮下, 急!名片英文翻译青岛和丰种业有限公司请高手帮我翻译一下!急,在线等. 英语翻译要英语高手翻译.不要在线翻译.急得 中韩在线翻译那个最好啊?请高手指点,跪谢 乱码在线翻译!在线等! 在线等翻译一句话,急,请不要用在线翻译忽悠我!One belief guiding straight opposition to gay right is that homosexuals choose to be gay or lesbian. 色环为棕、黑、银、金的电阻阻值是多少?请高手帮助,急!在线等 请高手翻译“荆州市先丰塑料制品有限公司”英文,急,在线等!谢谢! 作文高手请进来!我要“开卷有益”的议论作文!大约500左右我马上就要急. 汉译英;请进来 滘这个字怎么打呀,打五笔高手进来,请高手进来, 急求英语高手帮忙翻译以下几段话(中译英),请不要用在线翻译等,另外我是新手,没有分了,对不起