SAT语法IE题 Princeton Review 上的Daily requests for interviews with(A) the mayor of Chicago number(B) more(C) than twice that of the governor(D) of Illinois.E正确答案是D,解析上说要把“that”改成“those",

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 14:41:17
SAT语法IE题 Princeton Review 上的Daily requests for interviews with(A) the mayor of Chicago number(B) more(C) than twice that of the governor(D) of Illinois.E正确答案是D,解析上说要把“that”改成“those
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SAT语法IE题 Princeton Review 上的Daily requests for interviews with(A) the mayor of Chicago number(B) more(C) than twice that of the governor(D) of Illinois.E正确答案是D,解析上说要把“that”改成“those",
SAT语法IE题 Princeton Review 上的
Daily requests for interviews with(A) the mayor of Chicago number(B) more(C) than twice that of the governor(D) of Illinois.E

SAT语法IE题 Princeton Review 上的Daily requests for interviews with(A) the mayor of Chicago number(B) more(C) than twice that of the governor(D) of Illinois.E正确答案是D,解析上说要把“that”改成“those",
Daily requests for interviews with the mayor of Chicago number more than twice the daily requests for interviews with the governor of Illinois.

SAT语法IE题 Princeton Review 上的Daily requests for interviews with(A) the mayor of Chicago number(B) more(C) than twice that of the governor(D) of Illinois.E正确答案是D,解析上说要把“that”改成“those, SAT语法想要700,IE题一般错几个之内?如题. princeton SAT test1-10 如题最新的sat princeton review2010什么时候出 SAT Princeton的难度求解释以下princeton和真题的难度相差多少?如果princeton的阅读平时是600的话真题会做多少分? sat语法题ip 【SAT语法】一道SAT的IE语法题(Centuries ago), the Greek physician Hippocrates (advocated) collecting data (from) patients in order (to be drawing) conclusionand diagnose diseases. (No error.)Q:错误的应该是哪一个?是(from)还是(to sat ie 真题请问C为什么错了? SAT语法几道语法题 SAT语法句子改善题 一道SAT OC 语法题> sat语法, SAT语法. SAT语法和数学瓶颈!我语法拿2013年1月和5月都是错8个,要么前面IS错多了后面IE做的不错要么前面IS还行后面IE错多 怎么办!有一半多的题是做错后返回去看就懂的但是做的时候就会错 题型什么 请教大家1个sat语法题(IE)When Doris Lessing published The Golden Notebook in 1962,it instantly established herself as one of the most important literature voices of her generation.这里的it为什么是错的? 一道sat语法题【ie】[Opposite to] most people I know,Annie,a good photographer [herself],actually [enjoys seeing] the photographs that her friends take [on their] vacation.E.NO error. 一道SAT语法IE题Every year,toy manufacturers gather groups of children into playrooms,observing their choices of toys (as predicting) which new products will becomethe most popular.为什么括号里的as predicting错了?是什么语法错误? sat 语法ie题After all in the family made (their) television debut,(other) situation comedies began (to explore) (a variety of) social issues.为什么A是错的呢?