
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 04:55:57
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Dear mother;
how fine are you?Today is mother`s day,I have many words want to talk to you.Thank you so much for bringing me up .Caring for me.concerning about me so many years.Once you had pay my learning.my life and feeling.You let me know the sweat to redouble their efforts and never let you to my expectation. In this mother's day I wish mom of health, forever young
your daughter

My mother
It is my mother gave me a life, I love my mother.
My mother has been 40 years old.she is a staff in a company. My mother is my good example since childhood. She like always educates me.In the past, I always get bored and can't understand her. With age increased, I gradually came to understand her efforts.All she made is for me,she want me will have a good future. My mother is very hard-working, she always likes to clean up the house,give me a comfortable learning environment.
I hope my mother would have been very healthy!
My mother is a kind woman.She is 35 years old.She is tall.She has two big eyes.She is a good teacher.She teaches English.She goes work at 7 o'clock.She goes home at 6 o'clock.She likes reading book.On Saturday,she often does housework.Sometimes she does sports.She is a good mother.I love my mother.
I have a beautiful mother. She is the one I love the best in this world. Everyday she take care of me.She wake me up on time in the morning and prepare breakfast for me.
My mother is very busy. She likes her job very much. She usually pays so much attention to her own job that forget to have eating.
I love my mother so much as she love me

介绍妈妈英语作文? 怎么用英语介绍妈妈写作文 写介绍妈妈的英语作文,60-80词妈妈一定是你最爱的人吧,可你了解你的妈妈么?他每天都在做什么呢?今天咱们就写一篇关于妈妈的文章吧(60-80词).呜呜,万恶的老师..我们都没学过啊..还让我 我的妈妈英语作文怎么写 我的妈妈英语作文怎么写 英语作文:写一篇文章介绍你爸爸或妈妈一天的生活 写介绍妈妈的英语作文30字左右 今天就用急~越快越好 写妈妈的作文 写一篇英语作文.60词以上.题目是我的家庭.要有爷爷奶奶爸爸妈妈.介绍下职业(什么都行). 谁能帮我写篇英语作文,是介绍我的家里人在干什么,爸爸在家看电视什么的,妈妈,婆婆,奶奶...要在60词以上啊!1111 介绍你妈妈工作的英语小作文 求50个单词介绍妈妈的英语作文.妈妈是会计,人好.写的作文小学生要看的懂.Are you OK? 用英语介绍妈妈写作文实在不知道写什么 (初一英语作文) 介绍我生活中重要的人妈妈的英语作文 80字左右 写出为什么 介绍妈妈的英语作文介绍妈妈的周六生活 不少于50词我是初一的,顺便说下意思`谢谢 写一篇英语短文介绍你的妈妈以及她对你的爱.60词左右 怎样介绍妈妈的性格的作文 介绍妈妈的英语作文,我妈妈头发是卷的,黑眼睛.这些要写清楚.我妈妈自己开的店.不少于50个单词 要是写得好我再加5分.