书虫系列 读后感【英语】500-1000字不要复制的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 01:50:08
书虫系列 读后感【英语】500-1000字不要复制的
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书虫系列 读后感【英语】500-1000字不要复制的
书虫系列 读后感【英语】500-1000字不要复制的

书虫系列 读后感【英语】500-1000字不要复制的
Reader response:Great Expectations
Great Expectations is my new favorite book,it was written by Charles Dickens,one of the most famous English writers.
This book,Great Expectations is about a young orphan named Pip,who currently lives with his sister and her husband in the marshes of Kent.Pips finds himself picturing how his late parents looked like and what they might have been.I sort of feel bad for Pip because it seems as if he really longs to have parents and here I am complaining about how my parents are onto my schedule everyday.Pip sits in a cemetery one one,just looking at his parents’ tombstones.Then behind from a tombstone,an escaped convict springs up,grabs him,and tells him to bring him food.Pip listened to him,but the convict is soon captured anyways.He protects Pip by saying that he was the one to have stolen the items himself.When I read up to this part I was confused in why this stranger would be helping Pip and also ordering him to do things for him.Questions that streamed through my head was "Why would a stranger suddenly do this?" "What was Pip thinking when the convict appeared out of nowhere?" "What exactly did the convict want from Pip?" "Why did the convict backs Pip up about stealing items for him?"
I learned from this book that we must cherish the moment and not always look to something else to make us happy because we will always be searching and lacking by doing so.As Estella put it,"There was a long hard time when I kept far from me teh remembrance of what I had thrown away when I was quite ignorant of its worth.But since my duty has not beenincompatible witht he admission fo that remembrance,I have given it a place in my heart." Miss Havisham and Estella wasted their lives by punishing others and never truly loving or allowed themselves to be loved.Pip tried to do good with his great expectations (or his sudden money) but always fell short.He didn't truly appreciate what he had with Joe's apprenticeship.Then when he found out who his benefactor was,he was even repulsed by it instead of showing gratitude.In the movie and the book Peaceful Warrior,there is a lesson learned:There are no ordinary moments.That is one strong lesson that the characters in this book need to apply.
I can't think of a time that I've read a better book than Great Expectations.Perhaps others are its equal,though I'm not sure how they would surpass it.The more I read of Dickens,the more I like him and the more I'm impressed by his incredible -- and beautifully human -- writing style.I start his books sedately,but by the end I'm not so much reading his book as devouring pages as the plot comes together and I see the mastery of his work.
