
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 03:37:54
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Geoffrey Chaucer (1343?-1400),one of the greatest English poets,whose masterpiece,The Canterbury Tales,was one of the most important influences on the development of English literature.His life is known primarily through records pertaining to his career as a courtier and civil servant under the English kings Edward III and Richard II.
The son of a prosperous London wine merchant,Chaucer may have attended the Latin grammar school of Saint Paul's Cathedral and may have studied law at the Inns of Court.In 1357 he was page to the countess of Ulster,Elizabeth,the wife of Prince Lionel,third son of Edward III; there,he would have learned the ways of the court and the use of arms.By 1367 Chaucer was an esquire to Edward.About 1366 he married Philippa Roet,a lady-in-waiting to the queen and afterward in the service of John of Gaunt,who was duke of Lancaster and Edward's fourth son.Chaucer served as controller of customs for London from 1374 to 1386 and clerk of the king's works from 1389 to 1391,in which post he was responsible for maintenance of royal buildings and parks.About 1386 Chaucer moved from London to a country residence (probably Greenwich),where in 1386 he was justice of the peace and representative to Parliament.He traveled on several diplomatic missions to France,one to Spain in 1366,and two to Italy from 1372 to 1373 and in 1378.In the last year of his life,Chaucer leased a house within the precincts of Westminster Abbey.After his death,he was buried in the Abbey (an honor for a commoner),in what has since become the Poets' Corner.