
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 04:50:01
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bo lan ping zhang yun niang shu ji kang kai dan sheng liu lan
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
dao xue ma ping pi qi shou suo ji xu yuan liang cang sang yan jin
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1、 改正错别字.2分
的胜利,人民解放军的接接前进,给他们迎来的.( )( )( )( )
2、 选词填空.4分
充满 洋溢
(1)两股红流分头向东城、西城的街道流去,光明( )了整个北京城.
(2)他们写的所有对联,都( )着革命的乐观精神.
(3)“六一”儿童节那天,我们的校园里( )了节日的气氛.
(4)这一幅幅春联,全( )着乐观、诙谐的情趣.
3、 将合适的词语用线连起来.4分
洪亮的 眼光 开发 道路
诙谐的 微笑 开垦 视野
挑剔的 情趣 开拓 荒地
兴奋的 歌声 开辟 产品
4、 给下列加点的字选择正确的解释,把序号填在括号里.5分
景慕( ) 远景规划( ) 风景美丽( )
益:(1)增加; (2)利,有好处; (3)更.
日益壮大( ) 良师益友( ) 延年益寿( )
义:(1)公正合宜的道理或举动; (2)感情的联系; (3)意义,意思; (4)指认作亲属的.
义父( ) 定义( ) 朋友的情义( ) 见义勇为( )
5、 修改下列病句.(用修改符号)6分
(1) 任何一切困难基本上是压不倒我们的.
(2) 通过老师的耐心教育,使我认识
(3) 天黑得伸手不见五指,我模模糊糊地看到前面十几米外有一个人影.
6、 选择恰当的关联词填在括号里.3分
虽然……但是…… 因为……所以…… 不但…… 而且…… 尽管……还……
(1)( )这些革命前辈在敌人的魔掌里,( )他们还是那样的快乐.
(2)( )人民解放军节节前进,人民当家作主的时代即将到来,( )监狱里的前辈这样的欢乐.
(3)( )特务的高墙电网上面架着移动机枪,女共产党员( )自由自在地大跳秧歌舞.
7、 在横线上填上反义词,组成成语.4分
弄— 成- -- 惊-- 怪 出—入-- 争-- 恐--
承-- 启--- 同 -- 共-- 欢--喜-- 虎-- 蛇--
1、 按原文填空:3分
(1) 不要人夸————,只留————
(2) ————--全不怕,要留————
(3) 京口——————,钟山————
2、 根据古诗填空.6分
(1) 本学期所学的古诗中,------、------、------这三首都是赞颂人的精神的,------、------是思念故乡和母亲的.
(2) 梅的特点--------,竹的特点--------.
(3) 解释:谁言寸草心,报晓三春晖.
郑板桥( )是清朝有名的画家、诗人、书法家,( )是深深懂得家教的教育家,他非常讲究“爱子之道”.
郑板桥在外任职时,曾将他六岁的儿子小宝留在乡下,由他的弟弟广大职工墨代养.郑墨对小宝十分宠爱.小宝常( )说:“我爹在外面做大官!”有时小宝还欺侮人家的孩子,这些事(使,替,让,对)郑板桥知道后,心里非常( ),就给弟弟写信道:“我52岁才生一个儿子,哪有不爱的道理呢?但教更重于养.”他要求弟弟严加管教.
1、在二、四自然段中的( )内选择最恰当的字,用“ √ ”表示.1分
3、 结合上下文解释:4分
4、 本文通过三件事记叙了郑板桥是怎样爱子的,请分别概括地写在横线上.3分
作者:佚名 资料来源:网络 点击数:10770 更新时间:2010-1-12 20:03:50

章 来源莲山课件 ww w.
5 Y k j.CoM PEP小学英语六年级上册期末测试题
sky, twin,fun,take,tourists,well,use,happy,meets,same
1.The traffic lights are the in every country.
2. the No.12 bus.
3.I think it’s to walk on the moon.
4.I’m to have a new pen pal.
5.He helps the bank use their money .
6.I’m going to the .
7.He many other little water drops.
8.She often helps find their way.
9.My sister Ann likes drawing pictures.
10.Are you going to any books?
( )1.First,put the in the soil.
A.sprout B.seeds C.plant
( )2.Her mother is .
A.a cleaner B.a teacher. C.an actress
( )3.My pen pal likes .
A.drawing pictures B.riding a bike C.collecting stamps
( )4.I want to buy .
A.a look B.a pair of shoes C.some apples
( )5.The park is the cinema.
A.in front of B.next to C.near
( )6.I usually go to school .
A.on foot B.by bus C.by bike
1,come (现在分词)
7.sing (名词 )
8.write (名词)
9.teach (名词)
10.watch (第三人称单数)
11.go (第三人称单数)
13.ride(ing 形式 )
16.make (ing形式)
1.The cloud comes from the vapour(对画线部分提问)
the cloud come from?
2.She is my aunt. (对画线部分提问)
3.He can go with us.(变为一般疑问句)
go with us?
4.I’m going to buy an English book tomorrow. (对画线部分提问)
are you going to ?
5.It is far from our school.(变为否定句)
It far from our school.
1.Her mother is a teacher.She math.
2.I’m going to a doctor.
3.Is your aunt accountant?Yes,she is.
4.Does Amy go to school bike?Yes,she does.
5.My brother likes a bike.
6.Is he policeman?No,he isn’t.
7. he like collecting stamp?Yes,he does.
8.My father usually newspaper after lunch.
9.They are going to their homework this afternoon.
10.Sarah’s mother goes work by bus.
( )1.How can I get to the zoo?
( )2.What do you do?
( )3.Is she an artist/
( )4.What are you going to do this afternoon?
( )5.What does she do?
( )6.Does he like diving?
( )7.What’s your hobby?
( )8.Where does your mother work?
( )9.Where does the cloud come from?
( )10Are they going to play chess next Sunday?
A.It comes from the vapour. B.I’m a teacher. C.I’m going to buy an English book. D.I like collecting stamps. E.No,she isn’t.She’s a TV reporter. F.Yes,they are. G.Yes,he does. H.You can ride a bike there. I.My mother works in a factory. J.He is a driver.
1.How can he water become vapour?
2,What does she likes do?
3,he goes to Canada by plane.
4,I’m go to the cinema tomorrow.
5,She likes watches TV.
1.Mr White usually (go)to work by car.
2.I (visit)my frandpa next week.
3.The children like (swim)
4. you (do)your homework now?
5.What Mike’s father (do)? ________________
5. Was Mike at home last night ?
三、 用括号内所给的单词(名词、代词、形容词或动词)的适当形式填空(在每条横线上不一定只写一个单词):(10分)
1. Look at those __________ (child). They _________ ( swim) in the swimming pool.
2. What language __________________your sister____________ (learn) next year?
3. Foshan __________(have) a ___________(long) history(历史) than Zhongshan.
4. They _______________(not play) badminton last Saturday morning They just __________(stay) at home.
5. Can I _________(take) a message for ___________ (he)?
四、 选择正确的答案,把正确答案的字母编号写在括号内:(15分)
1. ) 1.This _______ Mrs. White speaking.
A. am B. are C. is D. be
( ) 2.Class begins at 8.00. It’s 8.15 now. You are________.
A. busy B. different C. late D. fine
( ) 3.I think Hangzhou is _____________ city in China.
A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. most beautiful D. the most beautiful
( ) 4What’s the matter _________ her?
A. in B. to C. on D. with
( ) 5. A: Did he see the doctor?
B: No,_____________.
A. he isn’t B. he doesn’t C. he didn’t D. he don’t
( ) 6. A: ________ will he come back?
B: At lunch time.
A. How B. When C. Where D. What
( ) 7.A: I can’t go to school today because I don’t feel very well.
A. Thank you. B. Goodbye. C. You are welcome. D. I’m sorry to hear that.
( ) 8. Canberry is the capital of ____________?
A. Australia B. Japan C. New Zealand D. America
( ) 9. Mrs. Webb likes______________ Guangzhou dimsum very much.
A. eat B. eats C. eating D. is eating
( ) 10._____________ you like to go shopping with me?
A. Do B. Are C. Did D. Would
五、 写出对话所缺的单词(每个空格填写一个单词,包括缩写形式):(10分)
A: W_______ are you going to Hong Kong?
B: The day a________ tomorrow.
A: How are you going to g_________ there?
B: B_________ train.
A: How long are you going to s_______ there?
B: About two w________.
Mrs. White: Good evening. I called you this afternoon.
Mrs. Webb: Sorry, I _________ at the market.
Mrs. White: I’m __________ a party at home. Would you like to come?
Mrs. Webb: I’d l__________ to. Thank _______ very much.
六、 阅读对话,根据对话填写句子所缺单词(每个空格填写一个单词,包括缩写形式)(5分)
This was the first day of the new term.
Mr. Chen: Good morning, class. Welcome back to school.
Pupils: Good morning, Mr. Chen.
Mr. Chen: You all look happy today. Could you tell me what you did on your summer holiday?
Jiamin: I stayed at my uncle’s farm and had a lot of fruit.
Mr. Chen: Wow! That sounds great. Did you like the life on the farm?
Pupils: Yes, I did. The air(空气) was better than here in Guangzhou.
Mr. Chen: What about you, Xiaoling?
Xiaoling: I went to the Disney Land in Tokyo.
Mr. Chen: That’s interesting. Did you speak Japanese in Tokyo?
Xiaoling: Yes, only a little. Some Japanese understand English. So sometimes I spoke English.
Mr. Chen: Excellent! Thank you. Let’s have our new English lesson now. 1. The pupils _________ happy today.
2. Xiaoling travelled in ____________ on the summer holiday.
3. Jiamin __________ a lot of fruit on his uncle’s farm.
4. Xiaoling can speak a little ____________.
5. The pupils are ____________ an English lesson.
七、 写出不少于五个句子,描述你昨天的活动.(5分)
一、 根据字母、中文提示完成句子,每格只能写一个单词:(10分)
1.quieter cities 2.Were morning 3.Christmas most
4.did go 5.has Zoo
二、 根据图意或实际情况回答问题:(5分)(答案不是唯一)
1.学生答电话号码 2.Yes, I do. 3.Paris. 4. He’s going to ride a bike.
5. Yes, he did.
三、 用括号内所给的单词(名词、代词、形容词或动词)的适当形式填空(在每条横线上不一定只写一个单词):(10分)
1. children are swimming 2. is going to learn(will learn )
3. has longer 4. didn’t stayed 5. take him
四、 选择正确的答案,把正确答案的字母编号写在括号内:(15分)
1.C 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.A
五、 写出对话所缺的单词(每个空格填写一个单词,包括缩写形式):(10分)
(I) When after get By stay weeks
(II) was having/ going to have love you
六、 阅读对话,根据对话填写句子所缺单词(每个空格填写一个单词,包括缩写形式)(5分)
1. look 2. Tokyo/Japan 3. had 4. Japanese 5. having