
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 09:51:34
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Interest rate raising is the state or local central banks’ action of raising interest rate,to raise borrowing costs of commercial banks to central banks,so that the market interest is to be raised.The purposes of rate raising include reducing money supply,depressing consumption and inflation,encouraging deposit,slowing market speculation and so on.In China,interest rate raising is one of supplementary means of state’s macro-control.In 2011 PBOC (People’s Bank of China) raised interest rate for 3 times,to cope with high inflation.In the paper,the necessary of rate raising is firstly discussed in the aspects of:reasons of PBOC’s interest rate raising,China’s current economy status,real estate bubble and inflation which still blocking China economy from healthy sustainable development; secondly,the difference of PBOC’s and developed countries’ interest rate adjustment and the corresponding reasons are analyzed by summarizing PBOC’s previous data and their laws; thirdly,the influence of PBOC’s rate policy to China’s economy is discussed on the bases of ever-occurred economy problems and PBOC’s rate raising influences to various social aspects before; at last,suggestions are provided of how PBOC can adopt the rate raising policy.

The interest rate is a country or region of the central bank to raise interest behavior, so that commercial banks to the central bank raise borrowing costs, forcing the market interest rates also incr...


The interest rate is a country or region of the central bank to raise interest behavior, so that commercial banks to the central bank raise borrowing costs, forcing the market interest rates also increased. The purpose of including the reduction of interest rate money supply, inflation, depression, depressive consumption, reduce market speculation and encourage deposits. In China, the interest rate is the national macroeconomic regulation and control is one of the assistance means, the central bank in 20113to cope with the high expansion rate. In this paper, the central bank to increase interest rates, the central bank interest rate hike from the aspects of analysis, discusses the current situation of our country economy, point out at present still hinder the health of our country economy sustainable development of the real estate bubbles and inflation two serious problems, from the aspects of the need to raise interest rates; secondly, the central bank statistics of the previous data to summarize the rules and pranayama and developed country interest compared to the situation, pointed out that the analysis of the cause of the difference; and then for China's economic development in the existing problems, in the past, the central bank to increase interest rates to all sectors of the economy effect of experience are discussed based on the current central bank interest rate hike policy on economic aspects have great influence on the central bank to increase interest rates; the final text of the summary of the use of policy suggestions are put forward.


Raising interest rates is a country or a region of the Central Bank to raise interest rates, so that the higher costs of borrowing for commercial banks to the Central Bank, and thus forcing the market...


Raising interest rates is a country or a region of the Central Bank to raise interest rates, so that the higher costs of borrowing for commercial banks to the Central Bank, and thus forcing the market interest has also increased. Objectives include reducing the money supply, to raise interest rates to restrain consumption, curb inflation and encourage savings, slow market speculation, and so on. In China, interest rates are countries one of the supplementary means of macroeconomic regulation and control, the Central Bank raised interest rates in 2011 3 times to cope with high inflation. This on Bank raising interest rates, first from all area analysis Bank raising interest rates causes, discussion has in China economic status, pointed out that currently still hinder in China economic health sustainable development of real estate bubble and inflation two a serious problem, from these area Exposition has raising interest rates of necessity; second summarized statistics has Bank past conferences regulation of breathing data summary law and and developed regulation of breathing situation phase comparison, analysis pointed out that caused differences of causes; and for in China economic development in the exists problem, Higher interest rates in the economy affect the experience of all aspects in the past discussions on the basis of the current policy of higher interest rates in effect on the economic aspects of how I; summary of last raised interest rates on Central Bank policy recommendations for the use of the full text.


英语翻译加息是一个国家或地区的中央银行提高利息的行为,从而使商业银行对中央银行的借贷成本提高,进而迫使市场的利息也增加.加息的目的包括减少货币供应、压抑消费、压抑通货膨胀 英语翻译[摘要]自从世界上最早的中央银行瑞典银行诞生之后,中央银行在一个国家或一个地区的政治,经济尤其是金融领域扮演者不可替代的作用.伴随中央银行诞生的还有一个对其独立性问 既然中央银行是国家的银行,为什么还要强调中央银行相对于政府的独立性 英语翻译越多越好...有标记是那个国家或地区的语言. 要欣赏湖光山色最好的地方或地区是哪里?国家或地区 别光说咱国家的 英语翻译美国中央银行诞生的艰难历程:由于欧洲私有中央银行通过控制货币发行权来控制国家的现象屡见不鲜,自美国诞生以来,是否成立一个国家银行,抑或成立一个怎样的国家银行一直是 当一个国家经济发展缓慢,社会需求不足是,中央银行会采用什么货币政策?扩张性,紧缩性,均衡性或以上均可. 用来衡量一个国家或地区城市化水平的高低主要标志是? 古希腊和古罗马有什么关系?是两个不同的国家还是一个国家两个不同的地区或时期? 阿拉伯数字是哪个国家或地区的人发明创造的? 中央银行是如何产生的 天竺是现在哪个国家或地区? FSU是哪个国家或地区简称? 缩写DR 是哪个国家或地区 5. 森林覆盖率指一个国家或地区森林面积占土地面积的百分比,我国森林覆盖率最接近的数字是: 反映一个国家或地区水资源丰歉程度的主要指标是:多年平均径流量 对吗. 一个国家或地区的科技水平已经很发达,它还需要其他国家或地区合作吗?为什么? 南极圈 穿过的地区或国家