While you are much safer inside than out,lightning can strike you even in the home.Here's how to protect yourself indoors :1.Stay away from windows.Get out of the shower or bath.Don't touch conductors such as fireplace and metal pipes.Judy King was s

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 11:50:16
While you are much safer inside than out,lightning can strike you even in the home.Here's how to protect yourself indoors :1.Stay away from windows.Get out of the shower or bath.Don't touch conductors such as fireplace and metal pipes.Judy King was s
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While you are much safer inside than out,lightning can strike you even in the home.Here's how to protect yourself indoors :1.Stay away from windows.Get out of the shower or bath.Don't touch conductors such as fireplace and metal pipes.Judy King was s
While you are much safer inside than out,lightning can strike you even in the home.Here's how to protect yourself indoors :
1.Stay away from windows.Get out of the shower or bath.Don't touch conductors such as fireplace and metal pipes.Judy King was struck by lightning last year while washing her clothes .Lightning entered a window next to the washing machine,struck her right hand ,traveled through her body and finally out of her left arm."It was as though Iwas holding a bolt of lightning in my hands ,''remembers Judy,who was thrown across the room.

While you are much safer inside than out,lightning can strike you even in the home.Here's how to protect yourself indoors :1.Stay away from windows.Get out of the shower or bath.Don't touch conductors such as fireplace and metal pipes.Judy King was s

1。离窗户远点。不要淋浴。不要触碰如火机或金属管之类的导体。Judy King去年在洗衣服的时候就被闪电击中了。闪电从挨着洗衣机的窗户里近来,击中她的右手,通过了她的全身,最后从左臂出去了。“那就像我抓着一把闪电在我手里》”Judy回忆道,当时她在房间里被扔到了房间的另一边。...


1。离窗户远点。不要淋浴。不要触碰如火机或金属管之类的导体。Judy King去年在洗衣服的时候就被闪电击中了。闪电从挨着洗衣机的窗户里近来,击中她的右手,通过了她的全身,最后从左臂出去了。“那就像我抓着一把闪电在我手里》”Judy回忆道,当时她在房间里被扔到了房间的另一边。


While you are much safer inside than out全文 better quit while you are 英语翻译1,you shouldn't worry so much...be comfortable...be healthy...be happy...,enjoy what you have,while you can2,those things don't change who you are,and because of that are less important things to be concerned with3,that's good...just enjo There are ______ people on the bus.Let's wait for a while. A.much B.not much C.many D.not many 翻译it is not how much exercise you get when you are oldetr that's important Thank you very much.You are welcome.It's a piece of cake. Are you in a while jacket 中文 While you are much safer inside than out,lightning can strike you even in the home.Here's how to protect yourself indoors :1.Stay away from windows.Get out of the shower or bath.Don't touch conductors such as fireplace and metal pipes.Judy King was s it is important to remember that while you are no worse than others,chances you have may not be much better 英语翻译It's amazing how much pleasure you get out of the simple things in life,espesially if you can't have them for a while. 根据句意及首字母提示填写单词.Beijing is the c of China.42.Squirrels (松鼠) are s food for the winter.43.Yesterday I met a f from Australia in the street.44.I m you very much while you were away.45.Our school will organize a picture sh In learning English,one should first pay attention to listening and speaking.It’s the groundwork(基础) of reading and writing.You’d better try your best to speak while you are doing much listening.Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.But b i love you so much you are 改错1、you must talk while you are eating something.it's not polite.2、there are many buildings on both side of the road. --Could you take care of our dog while we are away?--___________ a with pleasure b You are welcome c Never mind d That's all right well done and .thank you very much.-Well done and______.-Thank you veyr much!A not at allB congratulationsC that's rightD you are welcome It's no wonder you're got a headache_____you drank so much last nightA.thoughB.in caseC.whenD.while翻译下.解释为什么选D? Hey,liying22 ,how are you doing miss u and ur program so much.[s:35] [s:35]