常见介词(详细一些)要详细一些,例如:on 用于具体时间 e.g.on Sep.5th就是这么详细 除此之外,还要说的多一些(不低于15个)好的话,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 21:02:12
常见介词(详细一些)要详细一些,例如:on 用于具体时间 e.g.on Sep.5th就是这么详细 除此之外,还要说的多一些(不低于15个)好的话,
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常见介词(详细一些)要详细一些,例如:on 用于具体时间 e.g.on Sep.5th就是这么详细 除此之外,还要说的多一些(不低于15个)好的话,
要详细一些,例如:on 用于具体时间 e.g.on Sep.5th

常见介词(详细一些)要详细一些,例如:on 用于具体时间 e.g.on Sep.5th就是这么详细 除此之外,还要说的多一些(不低于15个)好的话,
1 about 关于 =on eg. give sb advice on how to learn English
b.到处 look about环视
C. 大约
d.be about to do 即将做 eg. I was about to leave when the phone rang.
2.above 在.上方 over 在垂直的上方 反义:below 在.下方
3.across 横穿,从表面
4.after在(位置,时间)后 behind 在(位置)后
before在(位置,时间)前 in front of 在(位置)前
look after/run after/ after=according to
in+时间段+将来时 how soon?
after +时间段+过去时 when?
after + 一点时间(常用于一般将来时or一般过去时)when?
如:The baby stopped crying after half an hour.
The baby will stop crying in half an hour.
They will visit their teacher after Friday.
时间段+later+过去时 when?
5.behind He hangs his coat on a nail behind the door. 他把外套挂在门后的一颗钉子上.
Beyond 超过 This work is beyond my grasp. 这件工作非我力所能及.
His bad behavior is beyond a joke. 他的不良行为超出了开玩笑的范围.
6.沿着 a. along(没有方向性) We went for a walk along the shore.我们沿着海岸散步.
b.up(向上,向说话者走来) The boy climbed up the tree. 这个男孩爬上树.
c.down(向下,向说话者走去) Will you walk down to the lake with her? 你跟她走到湖 那 头去好吗?
7.在…之间 a.between在两者之间
eg.1.She was sitting between John and Tom.
2.What were you doing between eight and nine?
3.What’s the defference between the two words?
4.we found a little house among the trees.
5.The students lived and worked among the workers.
Between , among 是介词,必须 +宾格:between you and me
8. at+地点(小地方) in+地点(大地方) eg. I’ve been at our school/in the USA.
在桌边 at the table
at表示“向,朝” eg. look at / laugh at
shoot sb 射死,射中/ shoot at sb朝…射击
eg. The hunter shot at the tree , but he didn’t shoot any birds.
9.beside=next to在旁边
besides除外还 Besides milk and cheese, we need vegetables. 除了牛奶和干酪外,我们还需要蔬菜.
except/ but 除…外 "Every one of us, except him, went to watch the basketball match."
except for +noun除外(总体肯定,局部否定)
except that+clause除外(总体肯定,局部否定)
eg.Your compasitions are good except for a few spelling mistakes.
but的几个用法: nothing but
nobody but
have no choice but to do
can’t do anything but do
10.by 被
在…旁 by the window/ by the river He sat down just by the door.他正坐在门的旁边.
by+noun 通过…方式(手段)by bus/
get on the bus/ get off the bus get into the car/get out of the car
She earned money by writing. 她靠写作挣钱.
By+时间的用法 by+now 与现在完成时连用
by+过去时间 与过去完成时连用
by+将来时间 与将来完成时或一般过去时连用
eg.We have learned over 2000 words by now.
had learned by the end of last term.
Will learn/will have learned by the end of this term.
11.during+宾语 不加从句 eg.在我居住在南京期间:
during I stayed in Nanjing (wrong)
during my staying in Nanjing (right)
12.with 和…一起 to live with one's parents 和父母同住
带有 We take dictionaries with us.
Without I can't do it without your help. 没有你的帮助,我不能做这件事.
13.in the morning/afternoon/evening
at night
14.像 1).like like you像你那样 like that那样
2).as+从句(或从句的省略句)Please do as I told you./ Please do as I did.
as作为 eg.consider/recognize/regard…as
3). 几个短语:be like look like sound like
the same as such as
15. 方位介词
in the east of
on the east of
to the east of/east of
在山顶 at the top of hill=on top of hill
Last year he spent hisw holiday on a farm in the country south of Boston.
16. up to
1).胜任,适合 The machine is up to requirements.这部机器符合要求.
The manager is well up to the work..经理十分胜任这个工作.
It’s up to me to finance my yong brother to finish his college study.资助我弟弟完成其大学学业,我义不容辞.
It is up to us to give them all the help we can.我们理应给他们力所能及的帮助.
3)取决于, 必须由….决定
I’ve given you my advice; whether or not you act it is up to you.我已经把办法告诉了你,是否照办得由你决定了.
It’s up to you to get to school on time.你是否准时到校由你自己决定.
Up to her fourth birthday, the baby slept in a crib.婴孩睡婴儿床一直睡至到四岁.
We went swimming up to supper time.我们一直游到吃晚饭的时候.
There were eight fire engines at the fire.来到火灾现场的消防车多达8辆.
I can take up to six people in my car.我的车能载6个人.
up to date 最新的,现代化的,切合目前情况的
up to 的常见用法
1.表示程度或数量,表示"达到……程度或数量",相当于as far as, to.如:
Up to ten people can sleep in this tent.这个帐篷至多能睡十人.
Everyone has his part to play, from the office boy up to the president.从办公室勤杂员到董事长,每个人都有自己的事做.
Our football team played up to its best in the last League matches.我们的足球队在上届联赛中发挥了最高水平.
2.表示时间限制,"直到……为止",相当于till(也可用up till)或until.如:
He was here up to a moment ago.他刚才还在这儿呢.
The No. 5 bus runs up to 9 o'clock in the evening.五路公共汽车一直开到晚上九点.
I'll wait for you until / till ten o'clock tomorrow.我将等你到明天十点钟.
3.表示"够……;合格做……;有资格做……",相当于good/well/clever enough for或fit for.如:
Michael is not really up to the job.迈克尔确实不胜任那项工作.
My German isn't up to translating that letter.我的德语还不行,翻译不了那封信.(to为介词,接V-ing形式)
Do you feel up to going out, or have you still got a headache?你觉得可以出去还是仍觉得头痛?
4.表示"责任"、"义务",相当于the duty or responsibility of.如:
It is up to us to do our best now.我们现在务必要尽最大努力.(sb.后接动词不定式)
5.表示"该……做出决定,取决于",相当于decided or chosen by.如:
-Shall we go out for dinner or eat at home?
-It's up to you.
-那要由你决定.(you后省略了to decide).
6.表示"做;忙于"或"从事于",相当于doing或busy doing/ with.(非正式语体中)如:
The children are quiet; I wonder what they are up to!孩子们很安静,我不知道他们在捣什么鬼!
What are you on earth up to?你究竟在搞什么名堂?
7.表示"知道"或"识破",相当于know, aware of.如:
He is not up to many things about sports.他对体育运动知道得很少.
They cannot deceive me, for I'm up to all their tricks.他们欺骗不了我,因为我能识破他们所有的诡计.

about 大约在……时间about five o'clock 在周围,大约多远about five kilometres 关于、涉及talk about you
above 高出某一平面 above sea level
across 横过 walk across the street对面 across the street
after 在…...


about 大约在……时间about five o'clock 在周围,大约多远about five kilometres 关于、涉及talk about you
above 高出某一平面 above sea level
across 横过 walk across the street对面 across the street
after 在……之后after supper 跟……后面one after another 追赶 run after you
against 背靠逆风against the wall, against the wind 反对be against you
among 三者以上的中间among the trees
at 在某时刻at ten 在小地点at the school gate 表示速度at high speed 向着,对着at me
before 在……之前before lunch 位于……之前sit before me
behind 位于……之后behind the tree
below 低于……水平below zero 不合格below the standard
by 到……时刻,在……时刻之前by five o'clock 紧挨着site by site 乘坐交通工具by air, by bick 被由was made by us
during 在……期间during the holidays
for 延续多长时间for five years 向……去leave for Shanghai 为了,对于 be good for you
from 从某时到……某时from morning till night 来自何方from New York 由某原料制成be made from 来自何处where are you from
in 在年、月、周较长时间内in a week 在里面in the room 用某种语言in English 穿着 in red
into 进入……里面walk into 除 分divide into 变动turn into water
near 接近某时near five years 在……附近near the park
of 用某种原料制成be made of 属于……性质a map of U. S .A
on 某日、某日的上下午on Sunday afternoon 在……上面on the desk 靠吃……为生live on rice 关于a book on Physics
over 渡过一整段时间work over night 在上方 over the desk 超过, 高于over five pairs
past 超过某一时刻ten past five 经过某地walk past the park
since 从某时以来since 1980
through 经过某一时期through his life 通过、穿过某地through the forest
tilluntil 直到某时为止till five o'clock
to 差多少时间five to ten 问,到,去往to Shanghai 面对面face to face 给予give a book to me
under 在……下面under the desk 少于under ten 在……管制之 下 under the rule
with 用某种工具with a pen 带着,具有 with me
without 没有without air


in 用于不具体的时间 e.g.in the morning;in spring
at 用于具体时间点;还有在...岁时, 向,在...之中,按...速度,值(卖)...钱,。
e.g. at six o'clock;at eighty miles an hour;
as 作为.e.g:treat him as a child 把他当小孩...


in 用于不具体的时间 e.g.in the morning;in spring
at 用于具体时间点;还有在...岁时, 向,在...之中,按...速度,值(卖)...钱,。
e.g. at six o'clock;at eighty miles an hour;
as 作为.e.g:treat him as a child 把他当小孩子对待
before 在...的前面(位置),在...之前(时间)
e.g.He can't finish his work before supper. 晚饭前他完不成工作。
behind 在...的后面(位置), 落后于,不如, 迟于,晚于(时间) e.g.behind the door
about 关于,附近,大约,周围,随身
e.g.I have bought a book about Shakespearean.
above 在....上,高出,以上,超过,在...上游. e.g.above sixty years old. 六十多岁
across 横过,对面,交叉,在...的对面. e.g. swim across the river游过河
after 在...后面,依照. e.g.Read after me, please. 请跟我朗读
like 象...,如同... e.g.The twins are like their father. 双胞胎象他们的父亲。
from 从..., 来自... e.g. I'm from China.我来自中国。
near 靠近... e.g. near the house
of ...的,属于... e.g.a map of China 一张中国地图
round 围着...,绕过...,在...周围 e.g.We sat round the table. 我们围着桌子坐下
through 经过...,穿过...。 e.g. They went through the forest. 他们穿过了森林
under 在...之下,低于 e.g. under the bed
