ice tea became the() of the world's fair in 1904.括号里是hit还是suprise还是它们的复数形式,求讲解

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:40:35
ice tea became the() of the world's fair in 1904.括号里是hit还是suprise还是它们的复数形式,求讲解
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ice tea became the() of the world's fair in 1904.括号里是hit还是suprise还是它们的复数形式,求讲解
ice tea became the() of the world's fair in 1904.

ice tea became the() of the world's fair in 1904.括号里是hit还是suprise还是它们的复数形式,求讲解
应该是 hit,意为:“成功而风行一时的事物”,单数,因为指的是ice tea,单数概念