impose on.impose upon 区别

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 13:39:28
impose on.impose upon 区别
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impose on.impose upon 区别
impose on.impose upon 区别

impose on.impose upon 区别
impose的基本意思是“强迫,强加”,指将不愉快、不受欢迎的事物强加于某人〔事物〕或强迫某人接纳自己,也可表示“利用,占便宜; 欺骗”“征税”,常与介词on或upon连用.
impose on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.) 
把…加于 place sth on sb/sth impose sth on〔upon〕 sb/sth 

He always imposes his opinion upon others.他总是把自己的意见强加于人.
用于 be ~ed 结构 

Heavy duties are imposed on imports.对进口物品课以重税.
impose on〔upon〕 sb sth 

The university is unwilling to impose upon students the heavy responsibilities of choosing their own courses.这所大学不愿把选课的重大责任放在学生身上.
强与…为伴; 使硬缠着 force oneself or one's company on sb impose on〔upon〕 sb 

I don't want to impose on you.我并不想打扰你.
impose oneself on〔upon〕 sb 

Don't impose yourself on people who don't like you.不要硬缠着不喜欢你的人.
给…带来麻烦; 利用,欺骗 cause work and trouble for sb; take unfair advantage of sb/sth impose on〔upon〕 sb/sth 

He imposed on me.他欺骗我.
This advertisement imposed upon the customers.这则广告欺骗了顾客.
He imposed upon my good will.他利用了我的好意.
You must not let them impose upon your kindness.你不能让他们利用你的热心

impose on impose on.impose upon 区别 why governments impose taxes on individuals and businesses. impose restrictions for sanitary 英文翻译 休想把你们的意志强加于我们(impose ...on ) 英文翻译 施加压力(用impose) obsess,impress,impose有什么不同? Your disguise would ___the trust of even your closest friend. A impose B impose atc. impose upon d. impose about请问选择哪一个,原因,谢谢 英语翻译superiors always impose great pressure on their subordinates in the form of issuing orders,setting deadlines or giving reprimands. this does not give them the right to inpose theiry will on us怎么翻译?什么句型,是IMPOSE Nothing you must to do Others have behaved,not impose on others .So,i don't care!you know impose这里什么意思?The common law impose an implied warranty of seaworthiness(内在的适航保证?)upon the Owner.请问这里impose是什么意思? Egypt's generals impose martial law,求标题翻译, impose能否解释为——引起,导致? 英语翻译You must not circulate this book in any other binding or coverand you must impose the same condition on any acquirer 英语翻译He was an unapologetic defender of China's political institutions without seeking to impose them on societies with different political convictions countries usually impose restrictions on free foreign trade to protect___后面应填什么啊A foreign producersB foreign consumersC domestic producersD domestic consumers 英文单词 impose 有的释义 :征(税) 税对征 是限定的作用吗?就是说 impose只能表示征税?还是 征,征税