这个定语从句错了哪里Those who wants to go with me put up your hands.是一题改错题来的,错了哪里呀,把正确答案写出来,.1楼说的,即使去掉s ,但是好象还是很不通顺

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 04:07:15
这个定语从句错了哪里Those who wants to go with me put up your hands.是一题改错题来的,错了哪里呀,把正确答案写出来,.1楼说的,即使去掉s ,但是好象还是很不通顺
xݑ?N@ů@ 7b!Lv ; îlH,Pi6ah,fn!CV+{ӑkxUmD  Z̯-O`f903mɠO] &<<7˴ʒԾOX6p+B +_a%+|ӗ14Hzw^ _HhˢK iO?K-H ?yM/ڌVCk 3'U02mC**

这个定语从句错了哪里Those who wants to go with me put up your hands.是一题改错题来的,错了哪里呀,把正确答案写出来,.1楼说的,即使去掉s ,但是好象还是很不通顺
Those who wants to go with me put up your hands.
1楼说的,即使去掉s ,但是好象还是很不通顺

这个定语从句错了哪里Those who wants to go with me put up your hands.是一题改错题来的,错了哪里呀,把正确答案写出来,.1楼说的,即使去掉s ,但是好象还是很不通顺
Those who want to go with me put up your hands.

这个定语从句错了哪里Those who wants to go with me put up your hands.是一题改错题来的,错了哪里呀,把正确答案写出来,.1楼说的,即使去掉s ,但是好象还是很不通顺 Those that want to go put up your hand.这句话哪里错了,有关定语从句的 those who后加定语从句,谓语动词用单数还是复数? those作先行词的定语从句能不能用who作限定词? 英语定语从句;为什么用whom不用who?看看这个 定语从句who这个关系代词充当什么成分? Those who are able to work were given jobs.(Those who are able to work) were given jobs.括号内不是主语从句吗?为什么是定语从句 定语从句对错1.The problem lies in how people look at those students dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge 2.The problem lies in how people look at those students who dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge.请问哪句是对的,错的那句哪里 以下这句话算是主语从句还是定语从句?为什么?Those who break the law will be punished. John is one of those rare people who belives in ancient myth.定语从句分析①John is one of those rare people who belives in ancient myth这个句子里面,定语从句修修饰的先行词是哪个?people还是John?为什么?要详解,②He is 定语从句里who和that的区别,谢谢了 高中those who 用法?1:those who 2:those who 和who 的区别?3:定语从句中不定代词的连词不是只能用that吗?为什么这里用的是who? 这句话错在哪里?请说明原因As is known that he's gone aboard.但是这个题目出现在了定语从句的单元?这是怎么回事?请解释这怎么是定语从句 those 能引导定语从句吗 定语从句those后面必须加 God helps those who help themselves(为什么用help,不用helps)?再告诉下定语从句的方法 定语从句中先行词是those后面紧跟着的关代是不是一定是who呢? 下面这个定语从句对不对i'm a by who is kind .不是用who are