Dim x(100), a For i = 1 To 100 x(i) = i Next i For Each a In x() s = ss = s + aNextLabel1.Caption = sStatic n As Integer, m As Integerm = 100: n = 0: s = 0For Each x In a If x > n Then n = x If x < m Then m = x s = s + xNextMsgBox "最大值为

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 19:03:13
Dim x(100), a For i = 1 To 100 x(i) = i Next i For Each a In x() s = ss = s + aNextLabel1.Caption = sStatic n As Integer, m As Integerm = 100: n = 0: s = 0For Each x In a   If x > n Then n = x   If x < m Then m = x   s = s + xNextMsgBox
x풽J@_e`0d p6 `>Ȧ:K{NlTqpsI̞QA&;;exgqAaa:1$K8 uiQQ}`IxoEV41Br *|V0w!nbSm0rҦQV^W޺%mZ:VTCz^ޕ3/Ot3H"!U'!_7!+dcC +.jo1sQ>Hqi)b[Q>=7BQ%e_ո+\6r0_VkP~ ΧkԱDؘĻ%OvqOe"u\G

Dim x(100), a For i = 1 To 100 x(i) = i Next i For Each a In x() s = ss = s + aNextLabel1.Caption = sStatic n As Integer, m As Integerm = 100: n = 0: s = 0For Each x In a If x > n Then n = x If x < m Then m = x s = s + xNextMsgBox "最大值为
Dim x(100), a For i = 1 To 100 x(i) = i Next i For Each a In x() s = s
s = s + a
Label1.Caption = s
Static n As Integer, m As Integer
m = 100: n = 0: s = 0
For Each x In a
If x > n Then n = x
If x < m Then m = x
s = s + x
MsgBox "最大值为:" & n & Chr(13) & "最小值为:" & m & Chr(13) & "平均值为:" & s / 10

Dim x(100), a For i = 1 To 100 x(i) = i Next i For Each a In x() s = ss = s + aNextLabel1.Caption = sStatic n As Integer, m As Integerm = 100: n = 0: s = 0For Each x In a If x > n Then n = x If x < m Then m = x s = s + xNextMsgBox "最大值为
Dim x(1 To 100),a,s
For i = 1 To 100
x(i) = i
Next i
For Each a In x
s = s + a
Label1.Caption = s
Dim n As Integer,m As Integer
m = 100:n = 0:s = 0
For Each a In x
If a > n Then n = a
If a < m Then m = a
s = s + a
MsgBox "最大值为:" & n & Chr(13) & "最小值为:" & m & Chr(13) & "平均值为:" & s / 100

Dim a(1 To 10) As Integer Dim i As Integer a(1) = 1 For i = 2 To 10 a(i) = a Dim x(100), a For i = 1 To 100 x(i) = i Next i For Each a In x() s = ss = s + aNextLabel1.Caption = sStatic n As Integer, m As Integerm = 100: n = 0: s = 0For Each x In a If x > n Then n = x If x < m Then m = x s = s + xNextMsgBox 最大值为 Dim a(4) s=0 For i=1 to 4 s=s+a(i) Next i For a = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - Dim i As Integer Dim x As Integer For i = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - x = x + CInt(ListBox1.Next MessageBox.Show((x /ListBox1.Items.Count.帮忙解释下这几句话的意思 VB dim x as integer dim i as integer x = 100 for i = 1 to 100 step 5 x = x - i / 6 next i print x 我用手机编的 不好排版 我的答案上是-54 Dim x&,r&,k&,i& r = Range(G65536).End(xlUp).Row For x = 2 To r 我写这个程序时 dim a(10)as interger dim ias interger for i= 10 to 14 a(i)=2i next i 在2i这里出了问 求结果dim a(6) for i=0 to 6 a(i)=i+1 next for i=0 to 6 count=count+a(i)+1 next response.Write count求结果dim a(6)for i=0 to 6a(i)=i+1nextfor i=0 to 6count=count+a(i)+1nextresponse.Write count VB程序如下:Dim a a = Array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) i = 0 For k = 100 To 90 Step -2完全看不懂...要详解..VB程序如下:Dim aa = Array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)i = 0 For k = 100 To 90 Step -2s = a(i)^2If a(i) > 3 Then Exit Fori = i + 1Next kPrint k; a( Dim a(9) As Integer,x As Integer,k As Integer,I As Integer RandomizeDo While I DIM AS INTEGER A(6),I,T,J,P T=0 FOR I=1 TO 6:A(I)=7-I:NEXT FOR I=1 TO 5 FOR J=1 TO 5 IF A(J)>A( Dim a, i% a=array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7) For i =Lbound(a) to Ubound(a) a(i)=a(i) *a(i) next i print a(i)下标越界了,为什么啊 Dim x(3,5) As Integer For i = 1 To 3 For j = 1 To 5 x(i,j) = x(i - 1,j - 1) + i + j Next j Next iprint (3,4) Dim a a=Array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7) For i=Lbound (a) To Ubound (a) a(i)=a(i)*a(i) Print a(i VB练习题7道,七道全讲完才行一、Private Sub Command1_Cilck()Dim a(4,4)For i = 1 To 4For j = 1 To 4Next jNext iFor j = 3 To 4For j = 3 To 4Print a(j,i);Next jEnd Sub9 1210 13二、Private Sub Form _Click()Dim a(10),p(3)As Integerk = 5For i 下列程序段的执行结果为 dim a(5) for i=1 to 5 a(i)=i*i next i print a(i-1) A) 5 B) 25 C) 0 D) 16 看程序,)private sub form-click()dim a(5,5) as integer,s(5) as integerfor i=1 to 5s(i)= 0for j=1 to 5m(i,j)=i+jnext jnext ifor each x in sprint x;nextend sub 英语翻译Private Sub Form_Click()Dim a(1 To 10) As Integer,i%,maxa%,mina%,avera!For i = 1 To 10a(i) = Int(Rnd * 100)Next imina = a(1)maxa = a(1)avera = a(1)For i = 2 To 10If a(i) > maxa Then maxa = a(i)If a(i) < mina Then mina = a(i)avera = avera