
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 12:43:56
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不定式可在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补足语,但不能作谓语,可有自己的逻辑主语,即for/of sb to do.
To do that sort of thing is foolish.
It would be better fou you to go there.
(it作形式主语代替后面的不定式)it be adj/n for sb to do sth
Walking after supper is helpful.
To walk in the street this evening will be nice.
To see is to believe.
All you have to do is (to)finish the job quickly.
He promosed not to tell anybody about it.
(不定式的否定形式为not to do)
He didn’t go to the party last night,but he intended to.
I think it important for you to recite some English articles.
提示:以下动词只能跟不定式作宾语:afford agree ask attempt decide demand expect fail help hope manage offer plan prepare pretend promise refuse seem wish.
There are many TV sets to choose from.
The room is large to live in.
The river is large to swim in.
Betty was the first(girl)to come.
He’s the only person to know the truth.
The easisest way to learn English is staying at an English family.
She has a wish to travel around the world.
He spoke loudly(so as/in order)to be heard.(目的状语)
I’m to tired to walk any further this afternoon.(结果状语)
so+adj/adv+as to do如此.以至于
such+adj+n+as to do如此.以至于
adj/adv+enough+to do足够.
too+adv/adj+to do太.以致不能
They jumped with joy to hear the news.(原因状语)
He raised his hand as if to take off his hat.(方式状语)
I’m very glad to see you again.
(1)动词+宾语+带to的不定式.具有这种用法的动词有:advise allow ask beg cause chellenge drive encourage expect forbid force hire intend invite order permit persuade remind require teach remind tell want warn等.
She asked me to stay here.
(2)表示见解、看法的动词+宾语+带to的不定式(不定式常用to be或to have done形式).具有这种结构的动词有:believe consider declare discover feel(认为) find imagine judge suppose think understand等.
I consider him to have done wrong.
(3)感官动词+宾语+不带to的不定式(被动式中必须带to,).具有这种用法的动词有:see notice watch lookat observe hear listento feel等.
I heard the clock tick.The boy was seen to run down the street.
(4)使役动词+宾语+不带to的不定式(被动式中必须带to,但have一般不用于被动式).具有这种用法的动词有:make have let等.
Shall I have him come here ?
They shouldn’t be made to do such heavy work.
(5)动词短语+宾语+带to的不定式.具有这种用法的词组有:arrange for ask for call on count on long for depend on rely on wait for等.
I’m waiting for you to reply.
1.I like getting up very early in summer.The morning air is so good______.
A.to be breathed B.to breathe C.breathing D.being breathed
be+adj+to do不定式用主动形式.The house is comfortable to live in.
2.The director had her assistant______some hot dogs for the meeting.
A.picked up B.picks up C.pick up D.picking up
have sb do sth让某人做某事
3.I feel greatly honoured______into their society.
A.to welcome B.welcoming C.to be welcomed D.welcomed
考察非谓语动词.从句是看,这里用不定式作状语,用主系表+to do sth,这里用不定式的被动语态表示受到欢迎.
4.Due to the heavy rain and flooding,ten million people have been forced______their homes.
A.leaving B.to leave C.to be left D.being left
此处考察be forced to do sth固定结构.在force sb to do sth这一结构中,不定式作动词force的宾语补足语.
1.I don’t want______like I’m speaking ill of anybody,but the manager’s plan is unfair.
A.to sound B.to be sounded C.sounding D.to have sounded
2.All these gifts must be mailed immediately______in time for Chrismas.
A.in order to have received B.in order to receive
C.so as to be received D.so as to be receiving
3.He hurried to the station only______that the train had left.
A.to find B.finding C.found D.to have found
4.I meant______abroad with them,but I didn’t have enough money.
A.going B.to go C.to have gone D.having gone
5.The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier,______it more difficult.
A.not make B.not to make C.not making D.do not make
6.I’ve worked with children before,so I know what______in my new job.
A.expected B.to expect C.to be excepting D.expects
7.She pretended______when I came in.
A.to read B.read C.to be reading D.reading
8.They knew her very well.They had seen her______up from childhood.
A.grow B.grew C.was growing D.grown
9.She is often heard______English aloud in the morning.
A.read B.to read C.having read D.to be reading
10.When I went to the Smiths’,they happened______dinner.
A.to have B.to be having C.to having been having D.having
Wishing for things costs nothing.愿望是不花本钱的.
It’s no use worrying about it.发愁没有用.
It’s useless arguing(=to argue) with them.跟他们争辩徒劳无益.
Do you think it’s worthwhile quarrelling with me?你认为我们吵值得吗?
It is hopeless arguing about it.为此争论毫无用处.
It’s fun being taken to the zoo.被带去逛动物园很有意思.
It’s a waste of time you talking to him.你和他谈话时浪费时间.
Jenny’s not going to college is her one regret.杰尼没上过大学是她感到遗憾的事.
动词:allow, permit, consider, suggest, advice, keep(on), finish, imagine, practise, understand, appreciate, enjoy, miss, prevent, forbid, escape, include, deny, forgive, pardon, excuse, dislike, discuss, report, admit, mind, risk, delay, postpone(推迟)等.
(2)短语:put off, can’t stand, burst out(突然开始), feel like, insist on, give up, be busy, be worth, succeed in, look forward to, devote…to/be devoted to(致力于), be/get used to, lead to, get down to(开始认真做),pay attention to, refer to, point to, turn to, object to, equal to, belong to等.
3.句型:spend … in doing在某方面花费
prevent /stop/keep…from doing阻止……做……
How/What about doing sth?做……怎么样?
have sone difficulty/trouble(in) doing sth在做某事方面有困难
have a hard time in doing sth做某事很艰难
there is no sense in doing做……是没有道理的
go on
can’t help
sb need/want/require to do(需要、想要、要求做某事)
sth need/want/require doing(=to be done)(某物需要做某事)
My favourite sport is swimming.
It’s no use going there today.He won’t be in(can’t be in).
Have you finished writing your composition.
Excuse me for being late.
He entered the room without making any noise.
He entering the room without being seen.
His job is teaching English.
=Teaching English is his Job.
He was very amusing.
Skiing is more exciting than skating.滑雪比溜冰更刺激.
a swimming pool =a pool for swimming
a walking stick=a stick for walking
Nobody can stop the running horse=the horse that is running 没有人能阻止那配奔跑的马.horse与running之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系.
I know the man standing there=who is standing there
动名词与所修饰的名词间的关系,以swimming pool 为例,是说the pool; is for swimming即为游泳而设,同样a walking stick=The stick is for walking.
an interesting book=The book is interesting.
exciting news=the news is exciting
试加法是用for带入原含有v+ing形式的词组中,意思通顺者,v+ing形式为动名词.a sleeping car=a car for sleeping(car是供睡觉的),a dancing hall=a hall for dancing(hall是供跳舞的).二句均通顺,合乎逻辑,所以sleeping和dancing均为动名词.又如:a sleeping boy=a boy for sleeping(boy供睡觉),显然意思不通顺,因而sleeping在此处便是现在分词了.
A sleeping boy=a boy who is sleeping
Working people=people who are working
She caught them stealing her apples.(them与stealing有主动关系;在“撞见时”正在偷.)
I saw the boy climbed the wall.我看见那小男孩爬墙.(强调爬墙这件事)
I saw the boy climbing the wall.我看见那小男孩正在爬墙.(强调爬墙的情景)
1.The next morning she found the man______in bed,dead.
A.lying B.lie C.lay D.laying
2.The squirrel(松鼠)was lucky that it just missed ______.
A.catching B.to be caught C.being caught D.to catch
3.She didn’t remember______him before.
A.having met B.have met C.to meet D.to having met
4.There was a terrible noise______the sudden burst of light.
A.followed B.following C.to be followed D.being followed
5.The secretary worked late into the night,______a long speech for the president.
A.to prepare B.preparing C.prepared D.was preparing
6.I can hardly imagine Peter______across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.
A.sail B.to sailed C.sailing D.to have sailed
7.---I usually go there by train.
---Why not______by boat for a chance?
A.to try doing B.trying to go C.to try and go D.try going
8.I would appreciate______back this afternoon.
A.you to call B.you call C.you calling D.you are calling
9.______a reply,he decided to write again.
A.Not receiving B.Receiving not C.Not having received D.Having not received
10.The missing boys were last seen______near the river.
A.playing B.to be playing C.play D.to play
1-5 A A B A B 6-10 B B A B B
(While) Working in the factory,he was an advanced worker.
Being a League member,he is always helping others.
He stayed at home,cleaning and washing.
(If) Playing all day,you will waste your valuable time.
He dropped the glass,breaking it into pieces.
He went swimming the other day.
Though raining heavily,it cleared up very soon.
I waiting for the bus,a bird fell on my head.
All the tickets having been sold out,they went away disappointedly.
Time permitting,we’ll do another two exercise.
With the lights burning,he fell asleep.他点着灯睡着了.
Judging from his appearance,he must be an actor.
Generally speaking,girls are more careful.
1.More and more people are signing up for Yuga classes nowdays,______advantage of the health and relaxation benefits.
A.taking B.taken C.having taken D.having been taking
2.While watching television,______.
A.the doorbell ran B.the doorbell rings
C.we heard the doorbell ring D.we heard the doorbell rings
3.In April,2009,President Hu inspected the warships in Qindao,______the 60th anniversary founding of the PLA Navy.
A.marking B.marked C.having marked D.being marked
4.At the age of 29,Dave was a worker,______in a small apartment near Boston and______what to do about his future.
A.living;wordering B.lived;wordering
C.lived;wordered D.living;wondered
5.He glanced over at her,______that though she was tiny,she seemed very well put together.
A.noticing B.noticed C.to notice D.having noticed
6.The flowers______sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.
A.to smell B.smelling C.smelt D.to be smelt
7.The old man,______abroad for twenty years,is on the way back to his motherland.
A.A.to work B.working C.to have worked D.having worked
8.______,the more expensive the camera,the better its quality.
A.General speaking B.Speaking general
C.Generally speaking D.Speaking generally
9.The storm left,______a lot of damage to this area.
A.caused B.to have caused C.to cause D.having caused
10.Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV;there are pictures______in your mind instead of before your eyes.
A.to form B.form C.forming D.having formed
1-5 A C A A A 6-10C D C D C
A B A B 6-10 B B A B B

