这是中国式英语嘛In modern life,especially the high-speed development of the era,emerged in many professional women,they succeeded in business,can say they really great.In this competitive exergue,to do a successful woman really not easy,shoul

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:38:53
这是中国式英语嘛In modern life,especially the high-speed development of the era,emerged in many professional women,they succeeded in business,can say they really great.In this competitive exergue,to do a successful woman really not easy,shoul
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这是中国式英语嘛In modern life,especially the high-speed development of the era,emerged in many professional women,they succeeded in business,can say they really great.In this competitive exergue,to do a successful woman really not easy,shoul
In modern life,especially the high-speed development of the era,emerged in many professional women,they succeeded in business,can say they really great.In this competitive exergue,to do a successful woman really not easy,should not only have a certain human care,also need to have their ability,etc,are all very key.
I think successful women success in the workplace to have the quality have the following:first,to clear objectives,into action.No matter how much you set a goal,you must act at once.Do right now,is all winners essential character.
Second,spoke enthusiastically,and to sell yourself.Successful women before prepared speech,methodical statement,and YanZhiYouWu,nature can show authority feeling.
Third,learning by doing.Responsibility.Knowledge comes from practice,must practice can learn knowledge,learning to reflect their words and deeds,to better fulfill responsibilities.
In fact,women can succeed,and her birth,educational background,age and some other basic element is no relationship.As long as you are eager for success,and willing to change yourself,exploring their potential capacity,believe you also must be able to succeed.

这是中国式英语嘛In modern life,especially the high-speed development of the era,emerged in many professional women,they succeeded in business,can say they really great.In this competitive exergue,to do a successful woman really not easy,shoul
1 标准的用英语字母写汉字
2 地道的翻译软件在人脑支配下产生的中式英语

这是中国式英语嘛In modern life,especially the high-speed development of the era,emerged in many professional women,they succeeded in business,can say they really great.In this competitive exergue,to do a successful woman really not easy,shoul Summer is hot.他们说这个是中国式英语,应该说成It's hot in summer. that is cool 是中国式英语吗 搞不清英语句子!如果是中国式的比如 my name is xiaoming 我就懂 而What is this in english 这就不懂了 Play Go是不是中国式英语?在相声上听到的,是中国式英语?还是标准的? What is your date of birth 这句话对吗?是中国式英语吧 “桔子用英语怎么说”把这句话译成英语完全不对,请专业些,不要说中国式英语Wwat's this (in English)?(用英语) It's an orange(是桔子)=What is the __ __ this? 中国式教育英语怎么说? 英语翻译不要中国式英语 英语翻译不是中国式英语 You left my memories remaining pair of glasses.这句话是中国式英语嘛?我想表达 你离开了我的回忆只剩下了这副眼镜. 这是中国式英语?-----Please open the light for me那怎么用地道英语,表达这句话好呢? 中国式过马路的定义是一群人无视红绿灯过马路的现象.把这句子翻译成英语 “中国式英语”用英语怎么说? 跪求英语作文,高中水平即可.100词左右.题目是how to get information in the modern world why have divorces become so common in modern society?写篇英语作文?最好是议论形式~ 英语翻译不要用中国式英语 英语翻译1:禁止中国式英语