求大牛给我的托福作文求打分,提建议Topic:Do you agree that the government should support the scientific research even there is no practical use?To support or not support the "pure" scientific research,this is an especially controversial

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:53:19
求大牛给我的托福作文求打分,提建议Topic:Do you agree that the government should support the scientific research even there is no practical use?To support or not support the
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求大牛给我的托福作文求打分,提建议Topic:Do you agree that the government should support the scientific research even there is no practical use?To support or not support the "pure" scientific research,this is an especially controversial
Topic:Do you agree that the government should support the scientific research even there is no practical use?
To support or not support the "pure" scientific research,this is an especially controversial topic debated all over the world by not only politicians,media,but also by the whole society.I believe that the government should support the scientific research which appears of no practical value.
The fact that people see no value of some scientific research may simply because that the people just don't see it yet.Many research subjects were only applied to practice after a relatively long period of time.Number theory is a good example.It is studied since ancient Greece,but never had a chance to be applied to practice until the twentieth century.The need of security of data and personal information only grows significantly after the invention of telecommunication and Internet.Believe it or not,most cryptographic algorithms today are based on some basic lemmas in number theory.The number theory,which was once called “pure math” and was only studied by nobles,provides a solid foundation to prove and test the reliability of cryptographic algorithms,and becomes a mandatory subject for everyone in Computer Science major today.
Additionally,it is part of human nature to explore the unsolved mysteries and the beauty of knowledge,and the motivation can date back to the ancient Greece.In Plato’s Academy,people are required to understand Geometry before he is accepted.It is because that Plato believes that people can reach,or approach the perfection in the study of Geometry,which doesn’t exist in the real world.The intention of learning is not about the usefulness,but about the curiosity,interest,and the chase of perfection.
In conclusion,the government should provide necessary support to the scientific research,even though there is no apparent or immediate value.It is proved by history that it is always too early to tell the usefulness of science,and as core part of human nature,the pursuing of knowledge and perfection should be encouraged.

求大牛给我的托福作文求打分,提建议Topic:Do you agree that the government should support the scientific research even there is no practical use?To support or not support the "pure" scientific research,this is an especially controversial

求大牛给我的托福作文求打分,提建议Topic:Do you agree that the government should support the scientific research even there is no practical use?To support or not support the pure scientific research,this is an especially controversial 求作文《我给爸爸打分》我给爸爸打分 求强人给我的托福作文打打分,提提建议With the development of socity jumps a problem of interest which concentrate on whether the only way for energy conservation is increasing the price of gasoling and electricty by government.As for m 求大牛给我的托福作文打分,提提建议Topic:Do you agree that people should have hobbies and do physical activities that are very different from one’s work?When I was young,my parents encouraged me a lot to develop hobbies and do physi 求大牛给我的托福作文打分,提提建议When I was a child,my parents are strict about the time I play and watch TV,and even locked me in a room when I want watch more and argue with them.As I grow up,I become to understand that the manner t 请帮忙给我的托福作文打分~请懂托福作文打分的或者作文达人打个分(我指30分满分的那种),因为想知道自己的水平如何,这是我头一次写的两篇(另一篇打不下我重发一个提问),虽然只有 求强人看看这篇托福作文帮我打分,提建议With the development of the society jumps out a problem of interest which focus on is it important to chooce a job you like or to choose a job with high payment.As for me the scale of my judgemen 给自已打分的作文350字 求一段我给班级提建议作文的的开头 我给父母提的建议 作文 最少400字! 我托福口语的4,6题怎么也做不好,大家能给我提些建议哇 速求初二英语作文:《我的朋友生病了,让我提些建议给她》专家帮忙下, 给自己打分作文要符合初中生的600字左右 急!求托福全套tpo下载!我邮箱:chen_cuicui@yeah.net 我12月考托福.求高人给些备考建议! 托福英语听力,给点建议. SOS紧急求助:***的自述的作文怎么写?记得要给我打分哦.(就是那个大拇指). 谁看一下我的作文,给个建议给个建议! 作文 给母校的建议