急问:nation flag是国旗,那么state flag是什么?区别在哪里?On 1 January 2006,the new State Flag Act enters into force in Estonia.The most important change introduced by the new law is that all individuals have the right to use the state

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/09 10:03:26
急问:nation flag是国旗,那么state flag是什么?区别在哪里?On 1 January 2006,the new State Flag Act enters into force in Estonia.The most important change introduced by the new law is that all individuals have the right to use the state
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急问:nation flag是国旗,那么state flag是什么?区别在哪里?On 1 January 2006,the new State Flag Act enters into force in Estonia.The most important change introduced by the new law is that all individuals have the right to use the state
急问:nation flag是国旗,那么state flag是什么?区别在哪里?
On 1 January 2006,the new State Flag Act enters into force in Estonia.The most important change introduced by the new law is that all individuals have the right to use the state flag as a national flag whenever they feel it fit to do so,but the use of the flag must be appropriate and respectful of time-honoured traditions.State flags are permanently flown over state institutions,local and city governments,and also at border crossing points.

急问:nation flag是国旗,那么state flag是什么?区别在哪里?On 1 January 2006,the new State Flag Act enters into force in Estonia.The most important change introduced by the new law is that all individuals have the right to use the state
大多数国家只有一面国旗,英文称为「National Flag」;但有20个国家却还有另一种国旗称为「State Flag」,它用于官方非常正式的场合,通常二者的差别只是增加一枚国徽.所以有些国家的国旗会有二种版本出现.因为波利维亚、哥斯大黎加、萨尔瓦多等11国却较常使用「State Flag」,因此将「State Flag」列为国旗.此外,阿根廷 与西班牙两国的国民经常持着没有国徽的国旗,此种旗帜被称为市民旗「Civil Ensign」,大多使用于民间.
Flag:陆上旗帜 / Ensign:海上旗帜
Civil:私人 / State ( government ):官方 / War ( Military ):军用
兼具 Civil、State、War 三者的性质,统称为 National.
Civil Ensign – 用于私人船只 ( 渔船、游艇、快艇等 ).
State Ensign – 用于非武装政府船只.
War Ensign – 用于军用船只.
( National Ensign = Civil Ensign + State Ensign + War Ensign )
Civil Flag – 用于私人建筑等.
State Flag – 用于公共建筑等.
War Flag – 用于军用建筑.
( National Flag = Civil Flag + State Flag + War Flag )

急问:nation flag是国旗,那么state flag是什么?区别在哪里?On 1 January 2006,the new State Flag Act enters into force in Estonia.The most important change introduced by the new law is that all individuals have the right to use the state our ( )flag (nation) “美国的国旗”英语是the American national flag吗 国旗歌是national flag anthem还是national banner anthem? 中国的国旗是china'a 还是chinese flag “国旗”的英语单词是flag,ensign,还是banner? “美国的国旗”英语是the American national flag还是the national flag of the USA What is the nation flag of Australia?把nation改成national是回答不是翻译简短回答 How many starts are there on the national flag of China?它问的是:中国旗有多少个星星? national flag是不是国旗的意思啊! The flag of the U.S has stars and stripes 这句话的意思是不是“美国的国旗是星条旗”? 请以when i see nation flag at the olympic games 为题 写一篇 英语作文 谢谢我要的是作文 INTRODUCE CHINESE FLAG外教让我们介绍中国国旗 为什么中国国旗译成英语用china's flag,而不是chinese flag 这是哪国的国旗 一个国旗:左上角是英国的国旗,右边有4颗星,请问这是哪国的国旗?还有英国国旗、澳大利亚国旗、以及这个国旗有相似地方的原因.作业上的题,还有第二问 flag是是什么意思 用英语介绍中国国旗 Introduce Chinese flag外教要让我们介绍中国国旗 这是哪个国家的国旗?这句话用英文怎么说可不可以这样说“Which country’s national flag is this?”