关于英语语法的两个问题not only but also句型可以前句是现在完成时后句是一般将来时吗?man作为“人类”讲时,谓语动词用单数还是复数?其他“人类”的单词呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 17:10:25
关于英语语法的两个问题not only but also句型可以前句是现在完成时后句是一般将来时吗?man作为“人类”讲时,谓语动词用单数还是复数?其他“人类”的单词呢?
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关于英语语法的两个问题not only but also句型可以前句是现在完成时后句是一般将来时吗?man作为“人类”讲时,谓语动词用单数还是复数?其他“人类”的单词呢?
not only but also句型可以前句是现在完成时后句是一般将来时吗?

关于英语语法的两个问题not only but also句型可以前句是现在完成时后句是一般将来时吗?man作为“人类”讲时,谓语动词用单数还是复数?其他“人类”的单词呢?
1.一般情况下不会出现这种情况的吧 很少
两个名词表示的是两样不同的事物 所以谓语动词用复数形式 如果两个不可数名词用在一起作主语是示
一个单词的意思的话 谓语用单数
2.see to是负责的意思 see to it:负责它

human being

not only but also可以前办句是现在完成时,比如not only have finished the homework.后半句可以是一般将来时。but also the physical training will be done.
man 作人类讲 用 is。例句:without love ,man is a dry wood .

.man; mankind; humanity
not only ... (but) also
not only ... (but) also
used to say that two related things are true or happened, ...


.man; mankind; humanity
not only ... (but) also
not only ... (but) also
used to say that two related things are true or happened, especially when this is surprising or shocking:
Not only did he turn up late, he also forgot his books.
If this project fails it will affect not only our department, but also the whole organization.
man 1
/ mæn; mæn/ n (pl men / men; mɛn/)
[C] adult male human being 男人; 成年男子: clothes for men 男人的服装.
[C] human being of either sex; person 人(男女均可): All men must die. 人皆有一死. * Growing old is something a man has to accept. 逐渐衰老是任何人都得承认的事实.
[sing] (without the or a 不加the或a) the human race; mankind 人类: Man is mortal. 人终有一死. * the origin of man 人类的起源 * medieval man, ie all people in the Middle Ages 中世纪的人类. =>Usage 见所附用法.
[C] husband, male lover, boy-friend, etc 丈夫; 男情人; 男朋友: Her man's been sent overseas by his employers. 她的丈夫已被雇主派到海外. * be made man and wife, ie be married 结成夫妻.
[C usu pl 通常作复数] male person under the authority of sb else (男性的)下属: officers and men in the army, navy, etc 陆军、 海军等的官兵 * The manager gave the men (ie the workers) their instructions. 经理给雇员下达了指示.
[sing] (fml 文) manservant; valet 男仆; 贴身男仆: My man will drive you home. 我的仆人将开车送你回家.
[C] (fml 文) present or former member of a named university (与校名连用)大学生, 大学校友: a Cambridge man 剑桥大学学生 * a Yale man 耶鲁大学学生.
[sing] (infml 口) (used as a form of address, usu in a lively or an impatient way 用作称呼, 通常含轻松或不耐烦的语气): Hey, man, are you coming? 嘿, 老兄, 你来吗? * Be quiet, man! 老弟, 安静点!
[C] male person with the qualities of courage, toughness, etc often associated with men 男子汉; 大丈夫: Be a man! ie Be brave. 要做个大丈夫(拿出勇气来)! * They acquitted themselves like men. 他们表现得像男子汉.
[C] piece used in games such as chess, draughts, etc (国际象棋、 国际跳棋等的)棋子: capture all sb's men 吃掉某人所有的棋子.
(idm 习语) an angry young man => angry. as good, etc as the next man => next1. as one man acting unanimously; with everyone agreeing 一齐; 一致: The staff speak as one man on this issue. 在这个问题上全体职员意见一致. be sb's man be the person required or ideally suited for a task 正是所需要的人: If you need a driver, I'm your man. 你要是需要司机, 我当最合适. * If you want a good music teacher, he's your man. 你们要是缺个好的音乐教师, 他就是最理想的人选. be man enough (to do sth) be brave enough 有足够勇气: You're not man enough to fight me! 你没有那个胆量跟我打! be one's own `man be able to arrange and decide things independently 能独立自主; 能作主: He's his own man, but he doesn't ignore advice. 他虽然自有主张, 但并不轻视别人的意见. be twice the man/woman => twice. the child is father of the man => child. dead men's shoes => dead. dead men tell no tales => dead. a dirty old man => dirty. ,every man for him`self (and the devil take the hindmost) (saying 谚) everyone must look after his own interests, safety, etc 人各为己: In business, it's every man for himself. 在商言商, 人各为己. ,every man `jack (rhet esp derog 修辞, 尤作贬义) every single person 人人; 每个人: Every man jack of them ran off and left me! 他们一个个都跑了, 把我撇下了! the grand old man => grand. hit/kick a man when he's down continue to attack or injure sb who is already defeated 继续打击或伤害已失败的人; 落井下石. the inner man => inner. make a `man (out) of sb turn a young man into an adult 使某人长大成人: The army will make a man of him. 军队将把他锻炼成人. a ,man about `town man who spends much time at fashionable parties, clubs, theatres, etc 经常出没游乐场所的男人; 花花公子. ,man and `boy from boyhood onwards (指男子)从小到大: He has worked for the firm, man and boy, for thirty years. 他从小至今已为该商行干了三十年. the ,man in the `street; the ,man on the ,Clapham `omnibus (Brit) the average ordinary person of either sex 普通人, 一般人(男女均可): The man in the street is opposed to this idea. 老百姓反对这种想法. a ,man of `God (fml or rhet 文或修辞) clergyman 神职人员. a man/woman of parts => part1. the ,man of the `match man who gives the best performance in a particular game of cricket, football, etc (在板球、 足球等运动某场比赛中的)最佳运动员: be voted man of the match 被选为最佳运动员. a ,man of `straw (rhet 修辞) (a) person of apparent, but not real, power 貌似有力的人物. (b) imaginary or very weak person presented as an opponent 想像的敌手; 很弱的对手. a man/woman of his/her word => word. a man/woman of the world => world. ,man to `man frankly; openly 诚 恳地; 公开地: Let's talk man to man. 咱们推心置腹地谈谈吧. * [attrib 作定语] a ,man-to-man `talk 坦诚的交谈. a marked man => mark2. the odd man/one out => odd. the poor man's sb/sth => poor. sort out the men from the boys => sort2. time and tide wait for no man => time1. to a `man; to the last `man all, without exception 所有人; 毫无例外地: To a man, they answered `Yes'. 他们都一致回答‘是’. * They were killed, to the last man, in a futile attack. 因一次进攻失败, 他们全部被杀, 无一幸免. one's young lady/young man => young.
> man interj (infml 口 esp US) (used to express surprise, admiration, etc 用以表示惊奇、 赞美等): Man! that's huge! 好家伙! 那麽大呀!
-man (forming compound ns 用以构成复合名词)
1 (a) (with ns 与名词结合) person who lives in 在...生活的人: countryman. (b) (with adjs and ns 与形容词和名词结合) native of ...的当地人: Irishman.
2 (with ns 与名词结合) man concerned with 与...有关的人: `businessman* doorman * `postman. Cf 参看 -woman (woman). =>Usage at chair 用法见chair.
-manship (forming uncountable ns 用以构成不可数名词) skill or quality of 有...技巧或性质: craftsmanship * sportsmanship. Cf 参看 -ship.
# ,man-at-`arms n (pl ,men-at-`arms) (in the Middle Ages) mounted soldier with heavy armour and weapons (中世纪的)重骑兵.
`man-eater n lion, tiger, etc that attacks men 攻击人的狮、 虎等: (fig joc 比喻, 谑) My sister's a real man-eater! 我姐姐真是个母老虎! `man-eating adj [attrib 作定语]: a man-eating lion, tiger, etc 吃人的狮子、 老虎等.
man `Friday male general assistant in an office, etc (办公室等的)男勤杂工.
`manhole n hole in a street fitted with a lid, through which sb can enter a sewer, etc to inspect it 人孔, 检修孔(街道上设置的有盖洞口, 人可进入检修下水道等): [attrib 作定语] manhole cover 人孔盖.
`man-hour n work done by one person in one hour 工时: The builder reckons 15 man-hours for the job. 建筑者估计这个活儿需要15个工时.
`man-hunt n large-scale search for a (male or female) criminal, etc (对男或女罪犯等的)大搜捕: Police have launched a man-hunt for the bullion robbers. 警方已大举搜捕抢劫金条的罪犯.
,man of `letters, ,woman of `letters person who does literary work, eg as a writer or critic 文学工作者.
,man-`made adj not naturally made; artificial 人工的; 人造的: ,man-made `fibres, `chemicals 人造纤维、 化学制品.
,man-of-`war n (pl ,men-of-`war) armed sailing-ship of a country's navy 帆式军舰.
`manservant n (pl menservants) male servant 男仆. Cf 参看 maidservant (maid).
`man-size (also `man-sized) adj of a size suitable for a man; large (大小)适合男人的; 大型的; 大号的: a man-size(d) handkerchief, beefsteak, portion 大号的手帕、 大块的牛排、 一大份.
`manslaughter n [U] crime of killing a person unlawfully but not intentionally 非预谋杀人罪; 过失杀人: commit manslaughter 犯了过失杀人罪. Cf 参看 homicide 1, murder 1.
`mantrap n trap with large jaws formerly used for catching poachers, trespassers, etc 捕人陷阱(旧时用以捕捉偷猎者、 入侵私地者等).
NOTE ON USAGE 用法: Man can be used, in a similar way to mankind, to mean `all men and women'. *man的用法可与mankind相同, 指不分男女所有的人. Many people consider this biased against women and avoid it by using humanity, the human race(singular) or humans, human beings, people (plural).许多人认为这种用法是对女性的歧视而加以避免, 改用humanity、 the human race(单数)或humans、 human beings、 people(复数). man 2
/ mæn; mæn/ v (-nn-) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (with sb) supply sth (with men or, sometimes, women) for service or to operate something 给某事物提供(男性或有时为女性)服务人员或操作人员: man the boat with a replacement crew 给船提供替换船员 * a warship manned by experienced officers 配备有经验的军官的军舰 * Barbara will man the telephone switchboard till we get back. 我们回来前由巴巴拉管理电话总机.


可以,not only but also 连接两个句子时相当于两个并列句。而不是主从句。
其他的有Human或者human beings

不可以,not only but also相当于一个连词,前后的时态必须一致;man作为人类讲时,人类代表一个整体,谓语应该用单数;其他表示人类的单词有:mankind / hunmanbeings / humanity


关于英语语法的两个问题not only but also句型可以前句是现在完成时后句是一般将来时吗?man作为“人类”讲时,谓语动词用单数还是复数?其他“人类”的单词呢? 关于英语语法的问题Not only because it's the place where we grow up,but also it give us courage to face real life bravely.这话对么? 关于英语语法的问题,关于定语从句,not only.but also ,还有文中的(导致)lead ,cause 是否恰当?Since China’s reform and opening to the outside world,which not only leads the rapid development of Chinese economy and technology 英语语法问题only在句子中的位置1.Books will only be on computers,not on paper.2.There will be only one country.为什么only的位置不一样? 一些关于英语语法的问题如图 高中英语语法倒装句的一个问题比如说句子是not only he is a student.这里半倒装怎么说?is he?thanks! 英语语法问题,请问not only 后为什么要加 do 还要 make 在这里的用法Not only do my qualifications and work experience make me a perfect candidate for the job 英语语法关于逗号的问题in 1995,there was only one fish,but many fishing-boats.请问上句中如果把逗号拿掉,为什么? 英语语法-关于wonder ,if ,or not的问题这是我从语法书上看到的 我很费解请问什么时候加or not什么时候不加呢? 关于not only,but also用法的问题.(1)Not only is this young scientist intelling,but hardworking.不是说not only与but后所随成分应一致.这句明显不一致啊!(2)not only…but also…与not only…but…as well的用法的区 关于英语语法的几个问题,具体问题如下1.The copy in law school was gathering dust on the shelf(in后面怎么不需要加冠词,如果是零冠词的话,那又是出现在哪些情境下)2.not only to unify all its libraries but also 英语语法问题(关于代词) 关于only的两个词组啊 英语语法问题,as well的用法as well的用法说具体点吧.I not only speak English clearly but quickly as well.这里的AS WELL可省略么,为什么? 问一个英语语法上的问题(速回)不但她而且我是他的好朋友.Not only she but also I am his best——————朋友是用复数还是单数? not only.but also...的同义词(两个单词) 关于一道英语语法technologies make global exploitation of nature not only possibly, but seemingly necessary. 我认为应该把possibly改为possible 答案说是吧necessary改为necessarily 为什么呢 不是有这样的句子 比方说 I 求关于not only ,but also 的所有用法