
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/16 22:35:42
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Xian Xinghai
Xian Xinghai (June 13, 1905 – October 30, 1945) (Chinese: 冼星海; pinyin: Xiǎn Xīnghăi) was a Chinese composer. He is best known for his Yellow River Cantata, upon which was based t...


Xian Xinghai
Xian Xinghai (June 13, 1905 – October 30, 1945) (Chinese: 冼星海; pinyin: Xiǎn Xīnghăi) was a Chinese composer. He is best known for his Yellow River Cantata, upon which was based the Yellow River Concerto for piano and orchestra (arranged by Yin Chengzong).
Born in Panyu (Chinese: 番禺; Pinyin: Panyu) into a family of a poor sailor, Xian started learning clarinet in 1918 at the YMCA charity school attached to the Lingnan University. In 1926, he joined the National Music Institute at Beijing University to study music. In 1928, he entered Shanghai National Music Conservatory to study violin and piano, and in the same year, he published his well-known essay, The Universal Music. In 1929, Xian went to Paris and, in 1931, he was admitted to the Paris Conservatory to study composition. While there he studied both with Vincent D'Indy and Paul Dukas. During this period, he composed Wind, Song of a Wanderer, Violin Sonata in D Minor, and other works.
Xian returned to China in 1935. During the Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945), Xian composed vocal works that encouraged and motivated the people to fight the Japanese invaders, and the works included Saving the Nation, Non-Resistance the Only Fear, Song of Guerrillas, The Roads Are Opened by Us, The Vast Siberia, Children of the Motherland, Go to the Homefront of the Enemy, On the Taihang Mountains as well as others. In 1938, he assumed the position of dean in the Department of Music at Lu Xun Institute of Arts in Yan'an. In his spare time, he composed the famous Yellow River Cantata and Production Cantata.
In 1940, Xian went to the Soviet Union to compose for the documentary film Yan'an And the Eighth Route Army. Before departure, Mao Zedong invited him to dinner. In 1941, the German invasion of the Soviet Union started and disrupted his composition. He attempted to go back to China by the way of Xinjiang, but the local anti-communist warlord, Sheng Shicai, blocked the way, and Xian got stranded in Alma Ata, Kazakhstan, and it was here that Xian composed symphonies Liberation of the Nation and Sacred War, the suite Red All Over the River and Chinese Rhapsody for winds and strings. He developed pulmonary tuberculosis due to long-time overwork and malnutrition. After the war, Xian went back to Moscow for medical treatment, but he was not completely cured, and he died in October of 1945 in the hospital in the Moscow Kremlin at the age of 40.
Xian composed over 300 works. In addition, he also published 35 papers, including Nie Er--the Creator of New Chinese Music and On the National Styles of Chinese Music. His influence in Chinese music won him the title People's Composer.
During the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) when all Western art was forbidden in China, the pianist Yin Chengzong arranged the Yellow River Cantata into a concerto for piano and orchestra, the Yellow River Concerto (1969).
After China opened its door to the world in late 1970s, Yin planned to resume the performance of the concerto. There was a debate whether the melody of The East Is Red, which Yin had merged into the concerto, should be removed. At the end, it was decided that the work itself was a cultural legacy of the time when it was created, and the melody reminds listeners of that period and creates a unique sense of history. So the work remains intact as it was originally arranged.
Beginning in the 1970s, the Yellow River Concerto has been heard in the West, often performed by Yin Chengzong himself.


帮忙写一段英文冼星海的介绍!短一些就好! 用英文写一段简介用英语写一段关于刘翔和杨扬旳简介,短一点就好,介绍一下出生,获奖情况就可以了 短一些就好. 玉石介绍 英文哪位大侠英文好.给在下写一段玉石的英文介绍.不用太长. 谁能帮忙写一段诸葛亮的英文介绍,不用太长,谢谢~ 求:介绍老师对你的评价(英文作文)可短,五句左右就好. 中国人民大学的英文介绍帮我写一些关于中国人民大学的英语介绍不要很多、不要难、通俗易懂就好! 运用列数字、举例子的方法写一段话,短一点就好! 介绍日本的食物(用英文)列出一些食物的英文单词就好! 用英文,哈6的……急,求各位帮忙用英语写一段或者找一段《哈利波特与混血王子》的故事梗概外加感想,一段就好,大概100至200词就够了,通俗易懂点的.用英语! 用英文写一段介绍中国国旗的介绍要简短点50到80字 就可以, 雷神托尔 电影剧情的英文介绍,急一段就行了不用很多……大致剧情就好, 傅天琳的介绍短一些! 怎样用英文写 《我的生活》帮忙给个成文,100字左右就好,要简单一些的,给出译文~谢谢啦 帮忙用英语介绍一下愚人节!急~~~包括愚人节的起源,习俗,以及历史上比较有名的愚人节趣事,帮忙写清楚一些,关键词和人名地名用英文标上就行,有追加悬赏的!拜托! 帮忙找一些欧洲小国的著名景点,注意是小国哦~像奥地利,瑞士,丹麦,爱尔兰等国家,写名字就好,英文和中文都要!越多越好! 麻烦帮忙写一段关于荷兰的英文介绍,需要写以下内容:1.area2.population3.capital4.national flag最好再介绍一下风车 谁能帮忙写一份房地产的英文面试自我介绍英文的就好