有30题用关系词(when,why,that,which,who,whom,where)填空,1.I still remember the night( ) I first cane to the house.2.I will never forget the day ( ) we met each other last week.3.Mr Black is gong to Beijing in October,( ) is the best season the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 07:31:06
有30题用关系词(when,why,that,which,who,whom,where)填空,1.I still remember the night( ) I first cane to the house.2.I will never forget the day ( ) we met each other last week.3.Mr Black is gong to Beijing in October,( ) is the best season the
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有30题用关系词(when,why,that,which,who,whom,where)填空,1.I still remember the night( ) I first cane to the house.2.I will never forget the day ( ) we met each other last week.3.Mr Black is gong to Beijing in October,( ) is the best season the
1.I still remember the night( ) I first cane to the house.
2.I will never forget the day ( ) we met each other last week.
3.Mr Black is gong to Beijing in October,( ) is the best season there.
4.I will never forget the days ( ) I spent with your family.
5..I will never forget the last day( ) we spent together.
6.This is the school ( ) I used to study.
7.Do you still remember the place (  )we visited last week?
8..Do you still remember the place (  )we visited the painting exhibition?
9.Have you ever been to Hangzhou,( ) is famous for the West Lake?
10.Have you ever been to Hangzhou,( ) lies the Wes Lake?
11.Tom will go to Shanghai,( ) live his two brothers.
12.I live in Beijing,( )is the capital of China.
13.There was a time ( )there was siaves in the USA.
14.It is the third time ( ) you have made the same mistake.
15.It was in the street ( ) I met John yesterday.
16.It was about 600 years ago( ) the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.
17.The moment ( ) I saw you,I recognized you
18.This is the very novel about ( ) we've talked so much.
19.This is the way ( ) he did it.
20.Who is the student ( ) was late for school today?
21.Who( ) knows hin wants to make friends with him?
22..What else was there in my brother ( ) you did'nt like?
23.He lives in the room ( ) window faces to the south.
24..He lives in the room ,the window( ) faces to the south
25.This is Mr John for ( ) son I bought a book yesterday.
26.This is Mr John for ( ) I bought a book yesterday.
27.This is the hour ( ) the place is always full of women children.
28.And there is one point ( ) I'd like your advice.
29.Winter is the time of year( ) the days are short and nights are long.
30.I hope yo will find this valley a beautifui piace ( ) you may spend your weekend.

有30题用关系词(when,why,that,which,who,whom,where)填空,1.I still remember the night( ) I first cane to the house.2.I will never forget the day ( ) we met each other last week.3.Mr Black is gong to Beijing in October,( ) is the best season the
when which which which that
where which which which where
where which when that that
that 不填 which that that
that that whose of which whose
whom when for which when where
He knows that Jim will work hard.
Do you know who (whom) they are waiting for?
连接副词when,where,how,why等,如:Could you tell me how we can get to the station?
不定式之前,与or not连用,在句首或在引导表语从句,同位语从句时,只能用whether,如:I want to know if/whether the news is true.He doesn't know whether to stay or not?
He asked who could answer the question.
My father told me that the earth goes around the sun.
I don't think he looks like his father,does he?
He said,“I'm happy.”[FY()[FY]]He said that he was happy.
He asked me,“Does his father know Mr Green?”
---He asked me if his father knew Mr Green.
He asked me,“Where is Mr Wang?”
---He asked me where Mr Wang was.

1、when 2、when 3、which 4、which 5、which 6、where 7、which\that 8、where 9、which 10、where 11、where 12、which 13、when 14、that 15、that 16、that 17、that\w...


1、when 2、when 3、which 4、which 5、which 6、where 7、which\that 8、where 9、which 10、where 11、where 12、which 13、when 14、that 15、that 16、that 17、that\which\不填 18、which 19、that\which\不填 20、who 21、that 22、that 23、whose 24、of which 25、whose 26、whom 27、when 28、where 29、when 30、where


when which which which that
where which which which where
where which when that that
that 不填 which that that
that that whose of which whose
whom when for which(或why) when where

有30题用关系词(when,why,that,which,who,whom,where)填空,1.I still remember the night( ) I first cane to the house.2.I will never forget the day ( ) we met each other last week.3.Mr Black is gong to Beijing in October,( ) is the best season the 定语从句关系词reason后用that和用why有什么区别,怎样区分? 定语从句中reason 后关系词的问题!先行词是reason ,后面关系词用why 还是 that 还是for which?有什么区别? 半系词有哪些 系词 都有哪些 关系词的区分!which that when where 有什么区别 关于定语从句关系词用法that,which,who,whom,whose,as,where,when,why这些关系词我老是搞不懂,做题总是错.特别是whom和who,whose ,which,that 定语从句关系词通常在什么情况下选择that、who、which等和where、when、why等要详细的区别还有什么关系词是可以省略的 英语关于定语从句关系词where和why、when可以用介词+which代替,可是应该怎么用呢 请大家尽快回复 急 this is the place(in which)I have ever visited.为什么这里关系词不用which?不是当先行词表示地点、时间、原因,而关系词在句中不作状语时,关系词不能分别用where,when,why,而要用which或that?这里的关系 关于非限制性定语从句的引导词是不是除了that和why之外其他关系词都可以那whose、where、when、why的变形形式,就是of which the …、in which之类的可以用的吗? ___ do you have a school trip?On November 12th.A Where B How C When D Why 有关定语从句的状语问题如果关系词在从句中作主语、宾语,只能用关系代词that或which;如果关系词在从句中作表语、状语则用关系副词when.那请问,除了when,where、why、他们两个呢?和这个我描 occasion用什么关系词连接?where 还是 when? 请问that when 是先行词,还是关系词 英语中的介系词有哪些 介词和介系词有什么区别? why you treat me like th?