He's about to give her flowers和he gives her flowers有什么分别?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:14:10
He's about to give her flowers和he gives her flowers有什么分别?
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He's about to give her flowers和he gives her flowers有什么分别?
He's about to give her flowers和he gives her flowers有什么分别?

He's about to give her flowers和he gives her flowers有什么分别?
be about to do 是即将要做...,即还没做
He gives her flowers.他给她鲜花.
He's about to give her flowers.他要送花给她(还没送)

He gives her flowers. 他送给她鲜花。(给了)
He's about to give her flowers. 他正要送给她献花。(还没给,即将要给)
Be about to do something 是正打算做某事,即将做某事。也就是打算做但还没做的情况。

He's about to give her flowers和he gives her flowers有什么分别? he wants to give us a s__ about English And he was supposed to sayWhat's that,hon?was supposed to say it distractedly and without interest as he read Hugh Sidney's column about the presidency in Time.But Jeff wasn't distracted:he did't give a damn about Sidney's ramblings.He was in fact He would give his right arm to know more about his girlfriend.翻译 Leo's home isn't far from the school.It's about m() by bus But he h() a problem.The classes b()Leo's home isn't far from the school.It's about m() by bus But he h() a problem.The classes b() at a quarter to eitht.He is often late for class.Leo ususll Please give ________ some food to eat.He's hungry.A.he B.him C.his D.he's he's thinking about what he's going to say .改为同一句 I need to give it a shot 是什么意思?He's a businessman.I need to give it a shot. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.怎么翻译呢?A; I feel uneasy about trusting Arthur with our money. How about you?B:Some people say he's not reliable,but others have a lot of confidence in him.I'm willing to give him the benefit o It's so kind ( )me a lot of helpa.of he to giveb.of him to give c.for him to gived.for he to give He asks that he ________ an opportunity to explain why he’s refused to go there.A.is given B.must give C.should give D.be given 1.()About 70 per cent of the world's vadio stations use English ___________ their programmes.A、broadcast B、for broadcast C、to broadcasting D、for broadrosting2.()He coughed a lot,so he'd better ___________smoking.A.to give up B.give up C.not g 连词成句.1.don't,give,some,you,her,advice,why,)2.should,say,call,up,sorry,and,him,you,are,you,(.)3.he,my,pen,took,didn't,and,back,it,me,to,give,)4.she,wrong,is,not,deal,big,it's,a,althoug,(.)5.he,on,it,about,talk,doesn't,to,phone,want,the,) shakespeare's lifeWhat do we know about his life Why is he famous Give examples of some of his works . He's make a model ship____his sister _____a birthday present.A.give.as B.to give ...as 初中短文填词In January,1887,Tom returned to San Francisco.He had been away for almost three years.He worte about his trip and give t____.He became well known.He made enough money to live on.Tom's long ride r___ paid off.如果第二空填不出 英语翻译(1)If you give a man a fire,he's warm for a day.If you light a man on a fire,he's warm for the rest of his life.(2)there's nothing bad about having a big tummy.What's bad is that you have nothing good in your tummy.(3)I know how to make a 英语翻译(1)If you give a man a fire,he's warm for a day.If you light a man on a fire,he's warm for the rest of his life.(2)there's nothing bad about having a big tummy.What's bad is that you have nothing good in your tummy.(3)I know how to make a